CU Denver 2019 LYNX Camp
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5/25 to 8/21—Avid4 Adventure Summer Camps. We teach kids of all levels to climb, paddle, bike, hike and thrive in the great outdoors. Kids gain confidence and outdoor skills they can use for life. avid4.com. Westerly Creek Elementary School, 8800 E 28th Ave.
6/1 to 8/14—Butterfly Pavilion Summer Nature Camps. Designed to provide memorable experiences that connect kids to nature and encourage an appreciation for science. butterflies.org. 6252 W. 104th Ave., Westminster
6/1 to 8/15—Bluff Lake Nature Center Day Camps. Full-day, half-day, pre-care (7:30–9) $315/week, discounts and scholarships available. Ages 6–15. 7 different weekly themes. More info at: blufflake.org/camps. 3400 Havana Way.
6/1 to 8/14—SPREE Summer Camps.10 unique weeks of camp at 2 Denver locations. Each week has a theme about our waterways and environment. Join us for learning through activities, games, and crafts. thegreenwayfoundation.org. 610 S Jason St.
6/1 to 7/31—Equine Summer Camps at The Urban Farm. Half-day and full-day camps for ages 5–7 and 8+ at different levels including no experience. For more details on weeks available for which ages/levels, go to theurbanfarm.org. The Urban Farm at Stapleton, 10200 Smith Rd. 303-307-9332
6/1–6/5 and 6/22–6/26—Story Book Farm at The Urban Farm. Introduces young children to the excitement of farm animals and plants through picturesque literature and engaging activities. theurbanfarm.org. The Urban Farm at Stapleton, 10200 Smith Rd. 303-307-9332
6/8 to 7/30—Dumb Friends League Critter Camp. 3rd–5th graders are invited to explore the amazing world of animals from pets to local wildlife. Children will experience learning through activities, games, and crafts. 4 separate weeks offered at 2 locations. ddfl.org. 2080 S Quebec St. 303-751-5772
6/22 to 6/25—Dumb Friends League Solutions Veterinary Hospital Camp. Half-day educational camps for children in 2nd– 5th grades. Includes lessons on Staying Safe Around Dogs, playing Pet Jeopardy, interacting with an ambassadog and making a pet toy. ddfl.org. 191 Yuma St. 303-751-5772
7/10 Friday—Dumb Friends League Equine Exploration Camp. 3rd–5th graders are invited to our Harmony Equine Center Equine Exploration Camp. Through interactive hands-on activities, campers will gain knowledge about horse anatomy, body language, markings and more. ddfl.org. 5540 E. Hwy. 86, Franktown.

Create Cooking School Jr. Chef Camp
6/1 to 6/19—Colorado School of Strings Camps. Open for musicians 3–8 and 8+ with 3 separate weeks of uniquely themed camps. For details, times and pricing, go to: coloradoschoolofstrings.com. 3112 Trenton St. kelly@coloradoschoolofstrings.com
6/1 to 7/31—DCPA Education Summer Camp. For eager students as young as three to high schoolers taking the first step towards a theatre career, our classes fuel creativity and reinforce the tools to help all skill levels improve and develop their craft. denvercenter.org/education. Robert and Judi Newman Theatre Education, 1101 13th St, Denver/education@dcpa.org
6/1 to 8/14—Songwriters/Composition Intensive Program. Work on music writing skills with Stapleton singer-songwriter/composer David Ross. Basic music theory and piano playing a plus. Ages 13+. Flexible dates/hours based on teacher availability. E-mail for rates and more info: pianomanross@yahoo.com. Southeast Stapleton (Beeler St. & 23rd Ave.) denverpianostudio.com
6/1 to 8/14—Summer Camps With Talk to the Camera. Video & Moviemaking Camps spark imagination through STEAM-based, hands-on curriculum, that’s super-fun and engaging! Your kids become storytellers, content creators and build communication skills. 3–14yrs. talktothecamera.com. The Highlands Center, 2945 Julian St. naomi@talktothecamera.com
6/2 to 7/30—Fired Art Workshops. Ceramics in the City Fired Art Workshops include Clay Hand-building, Glass Fusing, Pottery Painting and more! $35 per workshop with price break for multiple workshops. 9–11am. Ages 7 & up. Register online: ceramicsinthecity.com 5214 East Colfax Ave. 303-200-0461
6/8 to 7/24—LYNX National Arts & Media Camps. The LYNX Camps are CU Denver sponsored arts camps for high school students. We offer 8 camp programs spread over 3 camp sessions. The camps are previews of our college programs. Costs range from $100–$2,200 depending on program and option. artsandmedia.ucdenver.edu/lynx-camps. 1150 10th St. lynxcamp@ucdenver.edu

Stapleton All Sports
6/15 to 7/24—Themed Acting Camps at Aurora Fox Arts Center. Fractured Fairy Tale acting camp for ages 4–7; Knights of The Round Table play/camp for ages 7–12; Percy Jackson play/camp for ages 7–14; The Vikings camp for ages 11–18; and Musical Theatre Fairy Tales play/camp for ages 11–18. For camp weeks and fees, to go: auroragov.org/arts. Discount for Aurora residents. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 East Colfax Ave. Aurora.
6/15 to 8/7—Dance Camps and Intensives. Dance Institute offers something for everyone. From 6-week dance intensives to weeklong camps. Our Summer programs have full and half-day options including Ballet, Hip-Hop, Art and much more. Ages 4–19. DanceInstituteDenver.com. 4601 Quebec St C8 & C9. dance@danceinstitutedenver.com
6/15 to 8/7—Park Hill Academy Dance Camps. Camps and intensives for beginners (3–5), young dancers (6–8), junior dancers (8–12), and senior dancers (12 and up.) For pricing and times/dates, go to: parkhilldanceacademy.com. 2245 Kearney St #103. info@parkhilldance.com
6/22 to 7/24—Neighborhood Music Theater Camps. Act! Sing! Perform! For ages 5 and up using inspiration from Frozen II, West Side Story, Disney’s Newsies, Charlotte’s Web and more! Full details at neighborhoodmusicstapleton.com. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 Dallas St, Aurora. 720-378-3668
7/20 to 8/7—Athena Project’s Girls Create Summer Camps. Fun creative playwriting, comedy/improv, song writing and fashion camps for girls 6th–10th grade. Empowering girls to lead and affect change through the arts. athenaprojectarts.org. Newman Center for the Performing Arts, 2344 E Iliff Ave. info@athenaprojectarts.org
7/27 to 7/31—Stagecraft Camp – Theater Make-up for Beginners. Open your student’s imagination and creativity with our talented theater production teachers focusing on the magic of stage make-up. Class registration includes a free make-up kit to practice each new artistic skill. neighborhoodmusicstapleton.com. Neighborhood Music at Stanley Marketplace, 2501 Dallas St, Aurora. 720-378-3668
6/1 to 7/30—Preschool Summer Adventure Camp. Preschool Gymnastics Camp For boys and girls ages 3 to 5 ½. Two 4-week sessions beginning June 1st combining gymnastics with theme-based enrichment activities & crafts. Monday-Thursday 9:30a-12:30p $48/day $175/week $430/4-week session. dardanosgym.com/camp. 2250 Kearney St. info@dardanosgym.com
6/1 to 7/31—Speed and Strength Summer Camp. Weeklong, half-day camps geared at giving every kid elite coaching to reach their potential. Improve technique + increase speed and strength in a positive, non-competitive environment. MightyMovementAcademy.com. Mighty Movement Academy, 2245 Kearney St. #102. info@mightymovementacademy.com
6/1 to 7/31—Denver Fencing Center Summer Camps. Denver Fencing Center will offer 11 different weeklong day camps. Our camps are the perfect way to introduce a beginner or take your fencing up to the next level. denverfencingcenter.com. 1930 South Navajo St. info@denverfencingcenter.com
6/1 to 8/7—Bounce Gymnastics Summer Camp. Come join us for a camp filled with fun activities to keep your child engaged all week long! Activities include: Parkour, Gymnastics, Challenging Obstacle Courses, Sport Skills, and Team building. bouncestapleton.com. 2501 Dallas St, Aurora. 720-460-0267
6/1 to 8/14—CampGrippen Summer Climbing Camps. Übergrippen›s full day, week long, all inclusive climbing camps for kids 7–12 years old. 6 unique full week experiential camps offered trough the summer. Our camps include extended hours (8:30a–5p daily), 2 snacks, and lunch daily. $445/wk. ugclimbing.com/camps. 8610 E. 21st Ave. camps@ugclimbing.com
6/1 to 8/14—Learn to Sail Summer Camps. Don’t miss our incredible series of summer sailing camps for children ages 5–17, all skill levels. Weeklong camps run at the Cherry Creek Reservoir. communitysailing.org. Cherry Creek Marina inside the Cherry Creek State Park, Greenwood Village. admin@communitysailing.org
6/1 to 8/14—Enshin Karate Summer Camp. Every day includes a wide variety of activities that focus on mindfulness, discipline, embodiment, and play. Half-day Lil’ Samurai Camps for 4–6 years (8:30-12:30), Full-day Pre-teen Camps for 6–12 years (9–3.) 10 weeks available. enshin.com. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N Dallas St, Aurora, 303-320-7632.
6/8 to 6/12—Soccer Electric Summer Soccer and Movie Camp. Soccer Electric is teaming up again this year with the Denver Film Society, Denver East High School Soccer and other local partners for the 7th annual “Summer SOCCER and a MOVIE Camp. soccerelectric.com/camps.html. Denver East High School and Sie FilmCenter. 720-201-5750
6/8 to 7/9—Stapleton All Sports Camps for Tennis, Golf & Baseball. Full week camps at 3 NE Denver locations. For dates/times/ages, go to: stapletonallsports.com. stapletonallsports@gmail.com
6/8 to 7/24—Ultimate Frisbee Summer Camp. For both experienced players and youth

The Urban Farm
athletes new to the sport. Camps at Central Park in NE Denver (as well as others in metro) Ages: 7–14. Cost: $285 – Includes daily lunch, camp Jersey and Disc. altitudeyouthultimate.org. 8601 MLK Blvd. camps@altitudeyouthultimate.org
6/8 to 8/14—Bike Camp. Bike Camp teaches campers to set personal goals, debrief about their successes and challenges, and how to navigate our community on two wheels! Camps are two weeks long, Mon–Fri, 9am–3pm (before and aftercare available.) Ages 6–14. https://bikecamp.square.site. Odyssey School of Denver, 6550 E 21st Ave.
7/5 to 7/31—Stapleton All Sports Camp. Weekly Sports Camps rotating through soccer, baseball/tee-ball, football, dodge-ball, and kickball each day. Ages 4–11. $160/week or $550 for all four weeks. stapletonallsports.com. Central Park in Stapleton. stapletonallsports@gmail.com
7/27 to 7/31—Grand Slam Tennis Camps. Run by Meredith McGrath, former Wimbledon singles semi-finalist. Camp focuses on tennis fundamentals & proper technique. Ages 6–13, all abilities levels. 9:30–12:30. Cost $275/week. meredithjmcgrath@yahoo.com. McAuliffe MS, 2540 Holly St.
5/26 to 6/5—Camp McAuliffe. McAuliffe International School will be offering a variety of athletic and academic summer camps for ages 11–14. Morning and afternoon sessions. Camp descriptions can be found at McAuliffe.dpsk12.org. 2540 Holly St. 720-424-1540
6/1 to 7/17—Evergreen Country Day School Summer Camps. Exceptional opportunities for your child (18 months through 8th grade) to continue learning, growing, honing their skills, amplifying their interests, and making great friends. evergreencountryday.org. 1036 El Rancho Rd, Evergreen. smahoney@evergreencountryday.org
6/1 to 7/24—Summer at Stanley Day Camp and Specialty Camp. Child-centered, experiential summer program for school-age children through grade 9. Activities range from Swim Lessons and Weather Science to Project Runway and Top Chef. From $190/wk for half days to $355/wk for full days. stanleybps.org/summer. 350 Quebec St. 303-360-0803
6/1 to 7/31—Commerce City Summer Day Camps. Youth Camp Venture: Ages 6-10 Adventure Trek: Ages 11-15 State-licensed day camps. Sign up early, space is limited! Registration opens Feb. 20 c3gov.com/camp. Eagle Pointe Recreation Center, 6060 E Parkway Dr, Commerce City. 303-289-3789
6/1 to 7/31—Montessori Children’s House of Denver Summer Day Camp. Learning centered, fun, theme-based camps at our three campuses for children ages 1–12. We focus on hands on, real world experiences and include field trips, gardening, sports, arts & crafts, cooking, and more. mchdenver.org. 1467 Birch St. directorofadmissions@mchdenver.org
6/1 to 8/7—Arvada Center Summer Camps. Arvada Center Summer Camps are available in a variety of subjects including digital arts, drama, visual art and more. With options for children ages 3–18. arvadacenter.org/education. 6901 Wadsworth Boulevard, Arvada. info@arvadacenter.org
6/1 to 8/14—Camp Bladium Summer 2020. Campers have the opportunity to choose games and activities as part of our focus on their development. Kids experience a variety of games, activities, and guest entertainers like magicians and animal educators. camps.bladiumdenver.com. 2400 Central Park Blvd. 303-320-3033
6/1 to 8/14—Camp Shai. Offering something for everyone for rising Kindergartens to 10th graders from sports, art, theatre & STEM, to traditional day camp and a leadership program for CITs. Multiple camp sessions to choose from..jccdenver.org. Graland Country Day School, 55 Clermont St. 303-316-6315
6/1 to 8/14—Creative Learning Preschool Summer Camp. 3–8 yr olds. Located in Bluff Lake; full & extended day options available 2, 3 or 5 days/wk. pam@creativelearningdenver.com, apps processed in order of inquiry starting Feb 15. creativelearningdenver.com. Creative Learning Preschool, 2578 Moline St, Aurora.
6/1 to Mid-August—Summer Adventure Club. Engineering design challenges, experiments and themed activities await as children unlock new ways of thinking—all while having a blast! New themes/challenges each week. Ages 4–12. primrosestapleton.com. Primrose School, 2501 Syracuse St. 303-322-7200. Try us risk free 3/30–4/4. Call for details.
6/1 to 8/21—Dream BIG Day Camps. 4–17 year-olds. 6:1 ratios, 20+ program areas including individual/team sports, arts/crafts, performing arts, climbing walls, water slides, special events, competitions, teenage leadership programming and more! dreambigdaycamp.com. Carson Elementary, Aspen Academy and Montessori Academy of Colorado. 303-377-1805

Neighborhood Music & Theater camp
6/8 to 7/31—International School of Denver Summer Camps. Explore a new world every week at ISDenver Summer Camps! Your child will thrive while building sports skills; learning about a new subject in French, Spanish, or Chinese; or designing an innovative STEAM project. Ages 3–14..isdenver.org/camps. 7701 E 1st Pl Unit C. summercamps@isdenver.org
6/8 to 7/31—Summer at Kent Denver School. 100+ camps for ages 3–18. Arts, drama, music, athletics, tech, STEM, creative writing, debate, robotics, Hogwarts & more! Partners include Eurekus, Central City Opera, Denver Childrens Choir, Lighthouse Writers & TriVelo. kentdenver.org/summer. 4000 E. Quincy Ave, Englewood. lmortell@kentdenver.org
6/8 to 8/7—Denver Museum of Nature & Science Summer Camp. Learn and play as we experiment, create, build, ask questions, and develop a knowledge of and passion for science. Our camps are led by experienced educators, with assistance from trained teens. dmns.org. 2001 Colorado Blvd. 303-370-8327
6/8 to 8/14—Steve & Kate’s Camp. An arts and technology day camp focused on self-directed learning and choice-driven activities. Lunch and snacks are included and we’ve got one of the most flexible payment options. Pre-K through 7th & leadership programs. steveandkatescamp.com. The Logan School for Creative Learning, 1005 Yosemite St. 720-439-7785, denver@steveandkate.com
6/15 to 6/19—S.M.A.R.T CAMP 2020. Joe Harvey, Tracy Schoneman and Eddie Egloff present S.M.A.R.T Camp. Register by February 21st for discounted price $250 Email: tracy_80206@yahoo.com to reserve your spot. 2100 Akron Way. 720-933-3705
6/15 to 8/7—Summer at Ricks. Blends fun summer activities with rich learning experiences all while enjoying the benefits of the University of Denver Campus du.edu/ricks. 2040 South York St. 303-871-4839
6/1 to 7/31—Junior Chef Camps. Let your junior chefs immerse themselves in a variety of different cuisines and techniques during our week-long camps! Morning and afternoon half-day camps, 3rd–8th grade options. createfoods.co. Create Cooking School, 2501 Dallas St, Aurora, 720-573-9949
6/8 to 7/10—Super Stars Summer Camp. Engaging and fun 5-week Orton-Gillingham intervention program intensive, high-quality reading instruction along with math and writing instruction to grow skills and self-confidence. Half-day and full-day options at 2 locations, Denver and Littleton/Lakewood. EveryChildReading.org. 4EveryChildReading@gmail.com
6/15 to 7/17—ADHD and Executive Functioning, C.E.O. Summer Camp. Your child will learn planning, organization, time management and self-advocacy skills while having fun. Students are engaged in lessons, practice and fun events including a cook-off. Sessions: 6/15–6/26 and 7/6–7/17. results-learning.com. 4400 E Iliff Ave. 303-771-1160
6/15 to 7/20—Summer Sacred Art. This is an exploration of major world religions through music, visual art, dance and stories for children K–4th grade. $125/session 9am–2pm M–F; $75 add-on for extended care 2–5:30pm. montview.org. Montview Church, 1980 Dahlia St. prouty@montview.org 303-355-1651 x110
6/22 to 6/26—Stapleton Church Vacation Bible School. Join us as we adventure through The Rocky Railway at Stapleton Church. For kids that have finished kindergarten–6th grade. Free, but space is limited. M–F 9–11:30am. stapletonchurch.com/elevate-kids. Stapleton Church, 8700 E. 21st Ave. amyers@stapletonchurch.com
7/12 to 8/1—Preparing Rising High School Juniors & Seniors for College Success. This program provides students a taste of college and an opportunity to join a learning community where everyone is dedicated to academic achievement, mutual respect, and personal change and growth. landmark.edu/summer. Johnson & Wales University, 802-387-6885
6/7 Sunday—Camp Chief Ouray Opening Day. Nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Camp Chief Ouray is the premier overnight camp and adventurous playground for boys and girls from across the country and internationally. Spend your summer exploring the Great Outdoors with us. campchiefouray.org. 1101 County Rd. 53, Granby. 970-887-2648
6/7 to 8/15—Camp Timberline. Colorado’s premier Christian sports and mountain adventure camps! Overnight camp, Beyond Timberline backpacking and SHIFT are in Estes Park, Outta Bounds Day Camp is at 10 Front Range locations. camptimberline.com. 1207 Longs Peak Rd, Estes Park. office@camptimberline.com
6/14 to 8/8—Camp Granite Lake. Connect with friends, counselors and nature in a supportive, un-plugged community. 2-week overnight sessions for 2nd–9th grades, CIT program for 10th & 11th grades. Located in Coal Creek Canyon. ACA Accredited, CDHS Licensed. $2575/Session. campgranitelake.com. 11902 Camp Eden Rd, Golden. 720-249-2997
6/29 to 7/3—Camp Con Brio – String Camp of the Rockies. Sleep away camp for Middle and High School string students. Experience the beauty of the mountains and work with talented teachers from around the state while participating in a large orchestra, sectionals and many rec activities. campconbrio.com. Golden Bell Camp, Divide, CO
6/1 to 7/8—Chess Camp. 26th Rocky Mountain Chess Camp. 2 sessions: 6/1–6/5 & 7/6–7/10 run by National Chess Master and 5-time Denver Chess Champion, Todd Bardwick. Also offered, 2-day Chess Workshops in July and private lessons. 303-770-6696 coloradomasterchess.com. 1 Red Fox Lane, Englewood. tbardwick@yahoo.com
6/1 to 7/31—Wings Over the Rockies Summer Camp. If your child is looking to explore, get messy, and prepare to be an ace pilot or the next kid in space, this is the place for them. We offer elementary, middle and high school camps. Contact for pricing, scholarships are available. wingsmuseum.org/camps. 7711 E Academy Blvd. ckepner@wingsmuseum.org
6/1 to 8/3—Summer Camps @ MindCraft Makerspace. We offer unique and fun summer camps with 3D printing, laser cutting, sewing, circuitry, robots, STEM and more for kids grouped by ages 5–7 and 8–12. Teen Summer Studio for kids ages 12-6. mindcraftmakerspace.com. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 Dallas St, Aurora, 303-364-9581
6/8 to 7/31—Coding Camps for Youth. STEM and Coding. Learn real-world coding skills. Apply to robotics, drones, circuits, game design, A/R, 3D printing, and more. codespire.org. 3401 Quebec St, Ste #5010. codespireinfo@gmail.com
7/13 to 7/24—STEAM-Powered History Camp. Campers launch their own rockets, escape from Science Fiction Land, and craft their own future through the lens of science and technology, past and present. AuroraMuseum.org. 15051 East Alameda Pkwy, Aurora. 303-739-6660