The American avocet is a colorful and unique appearing shorebird. The black-necked stilt is smaller than the American avocet but its legs are extremely long
Bird Sightings
Bird Sightings: Male/Female Plumage Differences
Sexual dimorphism in birds refers to plumage, size, and other differences between the sexes. The color differences of the feathers among songbirds can be striking as illustrated by these blue grosbeaks.
Bird Sightings: Shorebird Distinctions
The distinctions between the western, semipalmated, and white-rumped sandpipers plus the seasonal difference in plumage in the long-billed dowitcher.
Bird Sightings: Small, Medium, and Large Shorebirds
As the weather warms, the shorebirds appear on sandbars and mudflats.
Bird Sightings: Songs of the Season
For many birds, spring migration and breeding season are in full swing. Some birds are more often heard than seen including two elusive, chicken-like birds, the sora and the Virginia rail, and the smaller yellow-breasted chat.
Bird Sightings: Wood Ducks
Wood Ducks are tree ducks—they perch on tree branches, usually near or not far from water.
Bird Sightings: Bald Eagles
The bald eagle is America’s national bird. Its main diet consists of fish—and it is a very skilled fisherman.
Bird Sightings: Ducks That Look Alike
During the winter months, Goldeneyes and Mergansers are among the many diving ducks we see in and around Denver, and while they look similar, they also have several distinguishing characteristics.
Bird Sightings: What are Bird Pellets?
Pellets are formed and regurgitated by all birds of prey because, lacking teeth, they cannot chew their food.
Bird Sightings: Thrushes and Thrashers
Some examples of brown and white songbirds I have encountered in and around Denver.
Bird Sightings: Green Heron
For the last two years, the Green Heron, a small heron of the eastern United States has been a vagrant in Northeast Denver during Fall migration.
Bird Sightings: Towhee & Northern Pintail
This month: the Green-tailed Towhee and the Spotted Towhee plus the Northern Pintail.