What’s happening with Stapleton Public Art?

02/01/2016  |  by Bryan Penny

SUNlogoAs part of the original funding to develop the Stapleton Neighborhood, there was a fund to support public art in the community. Public Art in Stapleton is governed by the Public Art Master Plan.1 More information on the public art and all the current projects (including pictures) is available on the SUN website.

Public art

Sculptor Ilan Averbuch sits near his sculpture, The Eye and the Horizon (after Monet), at E. 29th Ave. and Xenia. The project, with a $100,000 commission, was installed in 2006. The Eye and the Horizon is one of many pieces of public art in Stapleton financed through the DURA Public Art program. That program requires the value of public art to equal at least 1 percent of the gross bond proceeds issued by DURA in connection with the project.

Public art

Sixteen-foot tall moving “airfoils” were built from salvaged 737 tail stabilizers. The project, with a $100,000 commission, was built by Patrick Marold of Denver and installed in 2006.

Not all public art projects in Stapleton are funded by the Master Plan. The artwork embedded in the Central Park Blvd. interchange at I-70 and the art at Central Park Rail Station were funded through Denver’s public art program.

Projects in the pipeline that will soon be available for viewing in the neighborhood include:

  • Balloon Man Running by Sean O’Meallie will be installed at the Central Park Bus and Light Rail Station in the spring.
  • Woven Light by Catherine Widgery has been approved to be installed in Northfield Uplands Park soon (install date TBD).
  • Talking Parking Meters by Jim Green will be installed as part of the Eastbridge Town Center.

The Stapleton Public Art Committee is actively working on one project for a piece that will be inside of the tunnel under Central Park Blvd. in Sandhills Prairie Park in North Stapleton. Currently, artist selection is underway. Once an artist has been selected, the Project Selection Committee will work with the artist on the final design and installation time frame.

The final funds from the Stapleton initial funding will be spent in the final phase of the Stapleton build-out, currently referred to as Section 10 (north of 56th Ave., east of Central Park Blvd., west of Havana St.). There will be more to come on this phase over the next several years.

The Stapleton Public Art Committee is comprised of a cross section of residents and Stapleton constituents. If you would like more information on the Public Art Committee or are interested in potentially being involved in the last project selection committee for Section 10, please email Stapleton’s Public Art Consultant Barb Neal at barbneal@mindspring.com.

1 http://www.stapletondenver.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/public_art_master_plan1.pdf

2 www.stapletonunitedneighbors.com/stapleton-public-art


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