Traveller, the Augmented Reality screen installed at the lobby of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS), immerses visitors of all ages in a captivating 3D environment. It places them up against photo-realistic characters ranging from a life-sized T-Rex and a NASA astronaut to animals including a giraffe and a rhino, as well as other amazing natural world content.
Events were submitted online. Please double check dates and times using contact info provided.
Through February—Winterskate. Old-fashioned, outdoor ice skating. More details at: northfieldstapleton.com
Wednesdays in February—Kindness Club: Community Art Project. 4–5pm. Inter-generational, all-ages club. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/7 Friday—2020 Visions of Love 10th Annual Benefit for Anchor Center for Blind Children. Join us for wine and sweet and savory decadent delights. Tickets are $50 general admission and $75 VIP. 6–9pm. Anchor Center, 2550 Roslyn St. anchorcenter.org
2/8 Saturday—Urban Air Denver First Responder Charity Challenge for JDRF. Charity Challenge to benefit JDRF (formerly Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) and raise critical funds for type 1 diabetes research. urbanairtrampolinepark.com. 9550 East 40th Ave.
2/12 Wednesday—Community Sing-Along. An intergenerational sing-along with a live band. 6:30–7:30pm. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/13 Thursday—Active Minds: New Orleans: Biography of a City. A virtual visit to this iconic place. Free. 1–2pm. activeminds.com. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
2/18 Tuesday—Greater Stapleton Business Association Monthly Meeting. 8–9am. Monthly meeting to network, present your business, learn about other members businesses or stuff welcome bags. stapletonbusiness.com. MCA Offices, 7350 E. 29th Ave. Ste 300
2/19 Wednesday—Sam Gary Literary Book Club. 2–3pm. February Title: Blindness, by Jose Saramargo. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/20 Thursday—Community Screening of The Mask You Live In. Screening at 5:45pm, followed by panel discussion. At The Cube, 8371 E. Northfield Blvd. StapletonUnitedNeigihbors.org
2/27 Thursday—Active Minds: The Civil Rights Act. Examine the act over 50 years later and evaluate its impact on civil rights today. Free. 6:30–7:30pm. activeminds.com. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
2/27 Thursday—Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America monthly meeting. 6pm. Aurora Central Library, 14949 E Alameda Pkwy, Aurora. Momsdemandaction.org
2/27 Thursday—Knitting Circle. 5:30–6:30pm. Join other crafters in conversation around the fireplace. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/29 Saturday—Ukulele Workshop. 2–3:30pm Grab your ukulele or borrow one of ours to join us in an accessible, beginner level workshop. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/1 Sunday—Author Visit: Mona Siegel on Women’s Rights and the Suffrage Movement. 2–3pm. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/5 to 2/19—24th Annual Denver Jewish Film Festival. Festival includes 43 films on a variety of topics showcasing Israeli and Jewish cinema. jccdenver.org. JCC Mizel Arts and Culture Center, 350 S. Dahlia St. 303-316-6360
2/7 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
2/8 Saturday—Serenade: Of Love & Enchantment – Stratus Chamber Orchestra. However you picture it, the Serenade uses the language of love. augustanaarts.org. Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E. Alameda Ave.
2/14 Friday—Denver Clerk and Recorder Valentine’s Day Celebration. 13th annual Valentine’s Day Celebration. Clerk and Recorder’s Office issues marriage licenses. denverclerkandrecorder.org. 201 W. Colfax Ave. Dept. 101
To 2/16—Downtown Denver Rink. FREE entry; bring skates or rent: $7/kids 12 and under, $9/13 and older. downtowndenver.com
2/21 to 3/1—Denver Restaurant Week. 200+ restaurants offer multicourse meals for special pricing. Menus/pricing: www.denverrestaurantweek.com
2/22 to 2/23—Travel & Adventure Show. Explore various vacation options, discover destinations from around the globe, plan a trip face-to-face with travel experts and much more. travelshows.com/shows/Denver. Colorado Convention Center (Hall C)
2/22 to 3/1—Colorado Garden & Home Show. The Rocky Mountain region’s largest, oldest and most prestigious garden and home show! coloradogardenfoundation.org. Colorado Convention Center
2/29 Saturday—Colcannon: Authentic, Joyous Irish Music. A distinctive, inventive, and contemporary musical style while still keeping in firm touch with the heart and essence of traditional Irish music. augustanaarts.org. 5000 E Alameda Ave.
2/3, 2/4, 2/10 & 2/11—Balance class with Shae Patnoe. Adults learn how to maintain balance and posture. 2–3:30pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org
2/8 Saturday—Le Cours de l’Amour 1M, 5K, 10K & Doubles. 9am. Denver City Park. featonthestreet.com
2/14 Friday—Winter Bike to Work Day. Enjoy fresh air/exercise of riding your bike to work. Check website for breakfast stations and events along your route. winterbiketoworkday.org
2/22 Saturday—Cupid’s Undie Run. Stoney’s – 1111 Lincoln St, 12–4pm. Benefits research to help end neurofibromatosis. cupids.org
2/23 Saturday—Special Olympics Denver Polar Plunge. Polar plunge benefits Special Olympics. Aurora Reservoir. specialolympicsco.org
3/1 Sunday—Fight For Air Climb. The American Lung Association’s signature fundraising events. This year we are climbing 56 Floors and 1098 Stairs at the Republic Plaza Building. action.lung.org. 370 17th St. cynthia.roman@lung.org
Every Tuesday—Tattered Tales Storytime. 30 minutes of stories, activities and snacks. 10:30am, 2526 East Colfax Ave. tatteredcover.com
Every Thursday—Star K Kids. 9:30 and 11am; kids 5 and under. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. auroragov.org
Every Saturday—Little University. 10:30–11am. Various kids’ programming; changes weekly. Schlessman Library, 100 Poplar St. denverlibrary.org
Baby, Toddler & Preschool storytime. Denver Library. Various locations, times and days. Details at denverlibrary.org/events.
2/1 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. homedepot.com
2/5 Wednesday—Firehouse Tales for Tots. Free with general admission. 11am–12pm. Denver Firefighters Museum, 1326 Tremont Pl. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
2/8 & 2/16—Ballet Ariel’s Fairy Tale Suite & Tea Party – Pinnacle. The perfect one act ballet for young audiences. Each performance will be followed by a Fairy Tale Tea Party. balletariel.org. 2 locations. 303-945-4388
2/11 Tuesday—Let’s Build It – Dragon Cave. 4–5pm. Create a cave that’s perfect for a dragon. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/11 to 2/12— Beethoven’s Birthday Youth Concerts. 4 concert times. Boettcher Concert Hall, 1000 14th St. General admission tickets are $5. coloradosymphony.org
2/12 Wednesday—Create Playdate: Drop-in Artmaking Program for Kids 3-5. 10am–1pm. Tots and their grownups enjoy story time, art making, and more. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14th Ave. Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org
2/14 & 2/17—SPREE Holiday Camps. SPREE= South Platte River Environmental Education. thegreenwayfoundation.org/holiday-camps. 610 S Jason St.
2/14 & 2/17—Neighborhood Art Studio Schools Out Camps. Your child will have a blast making and creating with us! neighborhoodartstudio.com/school-out-camps. 4890 Ironton St. Unit 6A
2/15 Saturday—Family Swing Dance Class. Ideal for ages 9–12 with adult. Presented by Colorado Ballet. 2–2:30pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org
2/15 Saturday—Inside the Orchestra’s Tiny Tots Concerts. Kids get truly inside the orchestra as they are seated on the floor and surrounded by a 30+ piece orchestra. insidetheorchestra.org. 144 W. Colfax Ave. 303-355-7855
2/18 Tuesday—Little Wings: Let’s Create Constellations. 9–10am. Ages 2–4. With one adult. $1 off admission. Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, 7711 East Academy Blvd. wingsmuseum.org.
2/18 Tuesday—Butterfly Balloons. 4–5pm. Make a colorful balloon with watercolors & a paper lantern. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/22 Saturday—Talking With Kids About Race in Current Events & Children’s Media. 2–4pm. A children’s activity, ideal for ages 3-8, accompanies the workshop. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
2/22 Saturday—Little University: Movement Storytime with Colorado Ballet. Ages birth–5 and their caregivers. 10:30–11am. Schlessman Family Branch Library, 100 Poplar St. denverlibrary.org
2/23—Fourth Sundays at Four Mile Historic Park. Story time and free wagon rides and hot cocoa & cider. Adults $7, youth (7-17) $5, under 6 free. Get here early! 715 S Forest St. fourmilepark.org
2/28 Friday—Family Film Series: WALL-E. 6pm. Free event at The Cube, 8371 E. Northfield Blvd. stapletoncommunity.com
To 3/1—Denver Puppet Theater. Rumplestiltskin. 3156 W. 38th Ave. denverpuppettheater.com
To 5/8—LEGO Brick Building Contest. For youth 3-18. Winning creations will be displayed. Required theme is nature and science. Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
2/4 Monday—League of Women Voters Denver Presents: Saving Coloradoans Money on Health. 5:30–7:30pm. LWVDenver.org. Montview Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St.
2/4 Tuesday—Active Minds: Space Exploration. Reflect on the space race, the Apollo Mission and NASA since the lunar landing. Free. 10–11am. activeminds.com. The Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St.
2/6 Thursday—Ghost Towns of the American West. Historic and contemporary photos illustrate a fascinating collection of Old West legends. freeuregistration.com. Colorado Free University, 7653 East 1st Pl. 303-399-0093
2/12 Wednesday—Bold Women. Change History. Lecture Series. Carol Anderson, Human Rights Advocate. Complimentary childcare. 1200 Broadway. H-co.org/BoldWomen
2/13 Tuesday—Active Minds: Climate Change. Examine predictions and politics given the US withdrawal from the Paris climate accord. Free. 2–3pm. activeminds.com. Windsor Gardens, 597 S Clinton St.
2/19 Wednesday—Marijuana 101. Learn from an expert from the Office of Marijuana Policy. 2–3:30pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org
2/26 Wednesday—Recycling, Composting and Trash in Denver. How to promote best recycle and compost practices and reduce waste. 6:30–7:30pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org
Celebrating Black History Month in Film:
February 22—two film documentaries: Historian Paul Stewart and Project 75 The Mile High Society
February 29—three film documentaries: A Hue-Man Experience, Ujamaa Holiday Market and The Civil Rights Peaceful Protests in Washington D.C. 1963. Both at the Black American West Museum & Heritage Center
3091 California St. www.bawmhc.org. Movie Night Coordinator: 720-242-7428
2/1 to 5/8—Drones: Is The Sky The Limit? Explores the modern phenomenon of drones, their uses in history and the exciting possibilities of their future roles. Exhibit included with admission. Wings over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. wingsmuseum.org
2/8 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. 10am–2pm, Wings over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. wingsmuseum.org
2/9 Sunday—Music in the Galleries: Ivalas Quartet. 1–3pm. Free with general admission. Clifford Still Museum, 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org
2/12 Wednesday—Monthly Indigenous Film Festival. Free. Phipps Theater, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 6:30-8:30pm. This month’s titles at dmns.org
Monday–Friday—The Money Museum. Closed weekends and bank holidays. 1020 16th St. kansascityfed.org
Tuesday–Sunday—Aurora History Museum. 15051 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, auroragov.org
2/1 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free SCFD 1st Saturdays. Free for all ages. Kids 18 and younger are free every day. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
2/1 Saturday—One Cent Saturdays at the MCA. For Colorado residents. 1485 Delgany St. mcadenver.org
2/4 Tuesday—Chatfield Farms SCFD Free Day. 8500 W Deer Creek Canyon Road, Littleton. botanicgardens.org
2/4 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum Free First Tuesday Nights. 4–8pm. mychildsmuseum.org
2/10 and 2/23—Denver Museum of Nature & Science SCFD Free Days. 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
2/26 Wednesday—Denver Firefighters Museum SCFD Free Day. 10am–4pm. Denver Firefighters Museum, 1326 Tremont Pl. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
2/14 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park SCFD 2nd Friday Free Day. 12–4pm. 715 S. Forest St. fourmilepark.org
2/2 Sunday—Denver Zoo SCFD Free Days. 2300 Steele St. Daily schedule at DenverZoo.org/Visit
2/20 Thursday—Plains Conservation Center SCFD Free Day. 10am–2pm. 21901 E. Hampden Ave., Aurora. botanicgardens.org
2/17 Monday—Botanic Gardens SCFD Free Day. 1007 York St. botanicgardens.org
2/2 to 3/15—The Scottsboro Boys. Musical celebration is perfect for the whole family. vintagetheatre.org. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora.
2/4 Tuesday—Danish String Quartet, presented by Friends of Chamber Music. Celebrate Beethoven’s 250th anniversary with a program of Beethoven string quartets. friendsofchambermusic.com. Gates Hall, Newman Center for the Performing Arts, 2344 E. Iliff Ave.
To 2/8—MacBeth, A Very Serious Play. Denver’s newest theater collective and their original take on this Shakespeare classic. miscreant-theatre-collective.ticketleap.com. 2132 Market St. 720-771-8826
To 2/9—The Squirrels. A fiery look at race and class in America. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. aurorafoxartscenter.org
To 2/9—Summer: The Donna Summer Musical. Tickets start at $45. Ages 12+. denvercenter.org. The Buell Theatre, 1385 Curtis St.
To 2/9—Peter Pan. A high-flying adventure to Neverland. Ellie Caulkins Opera House. coloradoballet.org
To 2/9—Frost/Nixon. One man is looking to save his career, the other is looking to redeem his place in history. vintagetheatre.com. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora.
To 2/16—Goodnight Moon. Tickets start at $16. Ages: PreK-2nd grade. The beloved bedtime story comes to life on stage for a whimsical musical adventure. denvercenter.org. Randy Weeks Conservatory Theatre, 1101 13th St.
2/21 to 3/15— Secrets of The Universe and other songs. Based on the true relationship between singer Marian Anderson and Albert Einstein. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. aurorafoxartscenter.org
To 2/22—The Secretary. This explosive black comedy takes aim at the trope “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” with an all-female cast..1080 Acoma St. curioustheatre.org
To 2/23—World Premiere: You Lost Me. Tickets start at $30. Ages 14+. denvercenter.org. The Ricketson Theatre, 1400 Curtis St.
2/27 to 2/29— Star Wars: Return of the Jedi in Concert. Boettcher Concert Hall, 1000 14th St. Tickets start at $15. coloradosymphony.org
2/28 to 3/1—Rent: 20th Anniversary Tour. Tickets start at $40. denvercenter.org. The Buell Theatre, 1385 Curtis St.
3/1 Sunday—Ellis Island | Denver Young Artists Orchestra Spectacular. Actors from the PHAMALY Theatre Company present first-person narrations of seven immigrants who entered the US through Ellis Island from 1910 to 1940. coloradosymphony.org. 1000 14th St.
To 3/1—WORLD PREMIERE twenty50. In the future, Latinx people have been assimilated into the U.S. majority, but race issues are far from resolved. Ages 13+. denvercenter.org. The Space Theatre, 1050 13th St.
To 3/22—The Improvised Shakespeare Company. Based on one audience suggestion, a fully improvised Shakespearean masterpiece is created right before your eyes. denvercenter.org. Garner Galleria Theatre, 1385 Curtis St.
Denver Snow Buddy. Volunteers are paired with seniors within a 2-mile radius of one another, helping clear their walkways after two or more inches of snow has fallen. Application to volunteer at voacolorado.org/Volunteer/Snow-Buddies or call Tiffany Harris at 303-297-0408. Please note, there is a one-time fee of $25 for a background check.
Every third Saturday—Volunteering Orientation 9–10am. Urban Farm at Stapleton offers opportunities for individuals and families. RSVP: theurbanfarm.wufoo.com/forms/zia2rpb0ou3ew1. 10200 Smith Rd.
Mentoring high-performing, low-income students. Minds Matter is recruiting our next class of college access mentors to help high-performing, low-income high school. mindsmatterdenver.org
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1609 Havana St., 720-460-1393