
12/01/2016  |  by



Jan. 14—Denver Preschool Showcase of Early Childhood Options
The Showcase is a free, one-stop opportunity for families to learn about preschool options, resources and tuition support available to all families of 4-year-olds living in Denver. Many of the options in the Denver Preschool Program (DPP) are in Denver Public Schools (DPS). Enrollment in a DPS preschool is through the DPS Choice process, which runs Jan. 5–31.

The NE Denver location will be Dahlia Campus for Health and Well-Being, 3401 Eudora St. on Saturday, Jan. 14, 10am to 2pm. Spanish translators will be available. The event will include free food and refreshments, family-friendly activities, entertainment, free dental screenings and storytime readings with the Denver Public Library. For families unable to attend the showcase, DPP’s online “Find a Preschool” tool at enables families to search for a program by location and quality rating. For more about the Showcase, visit or call 303.595.4377.

TransitWatch App Lets Passengers Report Suspicious Activity
The Regional Transportation District (RTD) has an app called TransitWatch to help keep passengers safe. TransitWatch enables passengers to report suspicious or criminal activity to RTD’s transit police command center. Users can send descriptions, photos and GPS locations. Once an incident report is received by the security operations center, they are able to quickly respond and broadcast travel alerts and safety information to subscribers. The free app now has over 5,000 subscribers. For more information or to download the app, please visit:

Volunteers Needed For Tax Preparation Assistance
The Denver Asset Building Coalition (DABC) is seeking volunteers to help provide free tax preparation services to low income families and individuals. In 2016, the DABC served over 5,500 clients from 130 zip codes around the Denver metro area and in the state. They were able to facilitate the return of $7 million in federal refunds to the community and saved their clients approximately $1 million in tax preparation fees. With only three paid staff members, the DABC relies upon volunteers to help meet the capacity of their tax site. For more information about volunteering, or to learn more about DABC services, please visit



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