April Announcements

04/01/2015  |  by

Drug Take Back Day April 18
10am to 2pm on Saturday, April 18 drop off your outdated, unused or expired medications at 13001 E. 17th Avenue. For more information, visit www.ucdenver.edu/pharmacy or call 303.724.4618

Apply for Northeast Denver Leadership Week by April 19
Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 who live or go to school in Northeast Denver are eligible to apply for the Northeast Denver Leadership Week from June 15-19. Founded by Councilman Chris Herndon, the program offers kids the chance to meet leaders in different industries to explore what careers they may want to pursue one day. To learn more or apply go to http://northeastdenverleadershipweek.org.

Montview Lane Closures Over the Next 6 Months
As part of the Lower Westerly Creek Project, a new roadway bridge will be built, which will affect commutes along Montview Blvd. All westbound lanes of Montview from Clinton to Yosemite will be closed from 7:30am to 5pm for three months. When bridge work is complete on the north side, the eastbound lanes for the same vicinity and time period. For questions call the Aurora Water Department at 720.859.4312.

Calling for Ashley Elementary Reading Partners
Reading Partners is a local nonprofit serving struggling readers at under-resourced schools. Reading Partners is currently seeking volunteers who can commit 1-2 hours (or more) per week to work one-on-one with a student at Ashley Elementary, 1914 Syracuse. To sign up or get more information, email Kayla Thomas-Walker at kayla.thomaswalker@readingpartners.org or call 720-557-9909.

Upcoming Denver Citizens’ Police Academy
The Denver Police Department (DPD) hosts several Citizen Police Academies (CPA) throughout the year that are open to all Denver metro area residents. The CPA is designed to give insight into how and why DPD operates, and covers traffic enforcement, officer safety, police history, and more. The next academy, co-hosted by Districts 2 and 5, will take place April, 1, 8 and 15. Participants must be 18. The program typically runs for 6 weeks from 6-9pm on Wednesday evenings at varied locations. For information or to register call 720.913.6167 or visit www.denvergov.org/citizensacademy.

Tool Keeps Track of Your Property in Case of Theft
LeadsOnline is a free tool for citizens to keep track of personal belongings in the event that they are lost or stolen. When property is inventoried and advisable, law enforcement has a record of property and helps to possibly retrieve it. For more info visit https://reportit.leadsonline.com.

DMV Makes Effort To Be More Convenient
Denver Motor Vehicles eliminated the 2.7 percent convenience fee on credit card payments for drivers renewing their vehicle registration with the city, an incentive to pay online or over the phone instead of standing in line. DMV also began mailing Renewal Mailers with a self-addressed postage-paid envelope to mail the payment, again so people don’t have to go into a location. For more information visit www.denvergov.org/dmv.

Avoid Identity Theft and Attend Shred-A-Thon
From 9-11am on May 1 at The Hub at Stapleton, shred your old documents and credit cards that have identity information to avoid possible identity theft. The event is free, thanks to Northeast Transportation Connections, the Stapleton Foundation and Denver Police District 5. The Hub is located at 7484 E. 29th Ave. For questions contact resource officer Brandi Thomas at Brandi.Thomas@denvergov.org.

Throughout April Donate Used Backpacks to Denver Charities
For the whole month of April, the Montclair Rec Center will be collecting gently used backpacks for the St. Francis Center and Denver Rescue Mission. They will also accept cloth grocery bags for the Gathering Center, a drop-in center for women, their children, and transgender individuals who are experiencing poverty or homelessness. The box for donations will be located in the main lobby at 729 Ulster.


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