$7.1 Millon Recommended for Partial Commons Building at Northfield High School

01/07/2015  |  by Carol Roberts














Over the course of the past year, the commons building has gone from a “no go” to a recommendation that a slimmed down version of that building be constructed.

On Monday, January 5, the Bond Oversight Committee voted to recommend to the board that $7.1 million be allocated for a partial commons building. DPS is working to provide information to the board on exactly what can be built for that amount, but it is expected to include at least a warming kitchen and a cafetorium with a stage.

A year ago DPS told the Stapleton community that due to higher-than-expected constructed costs, the commons building at Northfield High School could not be built until voters approve a bond in 2016. All the Commons building functions (warming kitchen, cafeteria and art rooms) would be moved to the area of the gymnasium building originally planned for administrative offices.

After more bond projects were finished in 2014, DPS said they would release some of the bond reserve funds. But in the fall they said only $20 million could be release and the Northfield Commons Building was not put on a priority list for those funds.

In late fall, DPS said they could release $30 million in reserve funds and they recommended a $4 million addition to the gymnasium to include two art and two music classrooms at Northfield High School—but still no commons building.

In December the Bond Oversight Committee discussed the possibility of building a portion of the Commons to include at least a warming kitchen and cafetorium with stage.

On January 5, the Bond Oversight Committee’s final meeting on use of bond reserve funds, construction of a slimmed down version of the commons building made the final list of recommendations that will go before the DPS board.

Stapleton Board Representative Landri Taylor, who has advocated for construction of the commons throughout the process, says he is now awaiting additional information from DPS on exactly what can be built for $7.1 million.

The board will have a working meeting on Monday, January 12 at 4pm to hear DPS staff and Bond Oversight Committee recommendations for use of about $35 million in bond reserve funds. That meeting is public, and comments to board members can be submitted to board@dpsk12.org. It can be viewed on DPStv – Channel 22. A link to view board meetings is at board.dpsk12.org.

The board will take their final vote on use of bond reserve funds at their regular third Thursday meeting on January 15. Requests to speak must be submitted by 5pm the day prior and comments can be sent to the email address listed above.

The Front Porch will continue to post information as it becomes available.


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