Two female Common Goldeneyes with a male Common Goldeneye (top left) and a male Barrow’s Goldeneye (bottom right)
During the winter months, Goldeneyes and Mergansers are among the many diving ducks we see in and around Denver, and while they look similar, they also have several distinguishing characteristics.
Common Merganser
- More prevalent and slightly
larger than Red-breasted - Smooth top-of-head feathers
- White chest and neck
- Distinct demarcation of dark-
colored head - White patch on females’ chin
- Length: 21.3–27.9 inches
Weight 31.8–76.2 ounces
Wingspan: 33.9 inches
Red-breasted Merganser
- Shaggy top-of-head feathers
- Rusty cinnamon colored breast on male
- Brown-gray chest on female
- Length: 20.1–25.2 inches
Weight: 28.2–47.6 ounces
Wingspan: 26.0–29.1 inches
Common Goldeneye
- Forehead is smooth and rounded
- White patch below the eye is round
- Wings have slanted white box shapes
- Females have brown heads and gray bodies
- Goldeneyes are smaller than Mergansers
- Length: 15.8–20.1 inches
Weight: 21.2–45.9 ounces
Wingspan: 30.3–32.7 inches
Barrow’s Goldeneye
- Forehead is more steep and triangular
- White patch below the eye is crescent-shaped
- Wings have smaller, more subtle white dots
- Females have brown heads and gray bodies
- Length: 16.9–19.1 inches
Weight: 20.5–46.6 ounces
Wingspan: 27.6–28.7 inches
Bird Walks Feb. 3 and Mar. 2. Two-hour walk starts at 8am. Free, but you must RSVP at blufflake.org/birdwatching. All are welcome. Bring your own binoculars, or borrow a pair from your guide. 11255 MLK Blvd. Search FrontPorchNE.com for “Bird Sightings” to see all the past bird stories and photos from George Ho.