Cast Your Ballot by Nov. 4

10/01/2014  |  by Carol Roberts

VoterGuideTOP_istockphoto-ArtOff-year (non-presidential) elections often have low voter turnout. Pollsters say the differing outcomes in various polls reflect the population that responded to the poll—and the outcome of this election will reflect who turns out to vote.

Despite being off-year, the upcoming election is being viewed as one with great significance. A number of incumbent state governors are in close races and the U.S. Senate election has the potential to change the balance from Democrat to Republican. Colorado’s close senate and governors races are being watched nationally.

DOWNLOAD the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s pro and con brochure for state ballot issues here

DOWNLOAD the League of Women Voters of Denver’s pro and con brochure for Denver preschool tax here.

CLICK HERE to view candidate statements submitted to the Front Porch.


U.S. Senate

Mark Udall – D

Cory Gardner – R

U.S. House District 1

Diana DeGette – D

Martin Walsh – R


John Hickenlooper – D

Bob Beauprez – R

Secretary of State

Joe Neguse – D

Wayne Williams –R


Betsy Markey – D

Walker Stapleton-R

Attorney General

Don Quick –D

Cynthia Coffman-R

State Board of Education

Valentina Flores – D

State Representatives

District 6

(Lowry, Mayfair, Montclair & E. Montclair)

Lois Court – D

District 7

(Stapleton and Park Hill east of Monaco)

Angela Williams – D

Jason DeBerry – R

Elet Valentine – I

State Representatives

District 8

(Park Hill, E. Colfax, a small area of Stapleton, and part of Hale)

Beth McCann – D

Jeffrey Washington – R

RTD District Director

RTD District A

(South of Colfax, not on this ballot)

Bill James incumbent

RTD District B

(North of Colfax  (Stapleton to Colo Blvd to north of I-70, south to Colfax)

Barbara Deadwyler incumbent,

Alec Garbini –John F. Esquibel


Amendment 67: Definition of Person and Child

An initiated amendment to Article XVIII of the Colorado Constitution that would add “unborn human being” to the definitions of “person” and “child” in the Colorado Criminal Code and Colorado wrongful death statutes.

Amendment 68: Horse Racetrack Casino Gambling

An initiated amendment adding a new section to Article XVIII of the Colorado Constitution to create a new K-12 Education Fund to receive revenues from expanded limited gaming at horse racetracks.


Proposition 104: School Board Open Meetings

An initiated amendment to the Colorado Revised Statutes to require school boards to negotiate collective bargaining agreements in public meetings.

Proposition 105: Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Modified Food

An initiated amendment adding provisions to section 401 of Article 5 of Title 25 of the Colorado Revised Statutes commonly known as the “Colorado Food and Drug Act” requiring the labeling of genetically modified foods.


Extend and raise tax to fund preschool:

An existing Denver tax that provides tuition scholarships to four-year-olds would be extended until 2026. The sales tax, currently 12¢ per hundred dollars would be raised to 15¢ for every $100 spent in Denver on taxable items.



  1. Darren O'Connor

    Where is Elet Valentine, Unaffiliated candidate for HD7 State Representative?

    • Carol Roberts

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have added her to our website, requested a photo and statement for the candidate info page, and apologized that we missed her name in our print edition.


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