Eastbridge Gas Station Moved

04/01/2015  |  by Carol Roberts


Map revised from King Soopers’ original submission


Councilman Chris Herndon confirmed on March 19 that a decision has been made to move the gas station planned as part of the Eastbridge Town Center to the adjoining lot to the north, as shown above. He said Forest City made the decision based on concerns about the lighting near residences. A petition signed by over 400 residents objecting to the gas station in Eastbridge was submitted to the Stapleton Design Review Committee at about the same time Forest City made the  decision to change the location.

King Soopers Director of Public Affairs Kelli McGannon responded to a Front Porch inquiry about the development, saying they continue to work in the spirit of partnership with the Stapleton Design Review Committee. “While we are still in the planning stages and trying to find reasonable compromises, we remain focused on creating a community grocery store that will serve the needs of this unique Denver neighborhood.”

In March, Evergreen Development met with the Stapleton Design Review Committee (SDRC) and they submitted their site development plan and their transportation engineering plan to Denver for initial review. Tyler Carlson of Evergreen Development says the feedback from SDRC “was tremendously beneficial and positive” and once they receive feedback from Denver they’ll take into account all the new information and engage the neighborhood again. Carlson added, “We are also getting strong traction from exciting retail and restaurant users–all new to Stapleton–and as soon as I have executed leases, we’ll be sharing names as well. It looks like we’ll be able to execute the rooftop patio on the west end of the project, which is very exciting.”

1 Comment

  1. David M

    Thank you Tyler and Evergreen for continuing to engage the community, can’t wait for a rooftop patio restaurant! King Soopers and Forest city, shame on you for continuing to ignore the community, you have not presented any compromises to the community. I can’t wait to support Evergreen and spend some $$$ at the “Town Center”. Looking forward to driving to Safeway and Trader Joes for all my groceries.


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