Construction is expected to start on the Northfield fire station in spring 2018 with completion by June 2019.
The Stapleton Zoning and Planning Committee (ZAP) endorsed the view of city project manager Brandon Gainey that the new Northfield Fire Station No. 39 will be a “functional and aesthetic attribute of the community.” Construction on the 13,900-square-foot building will begin next spring. It is slated to be open by June 2019.
The new fire station will be located at the southeast corner of 50th Ave. and Central Park Blvd. It is angled to the street to facilitate fire truck exit from the site. Chief Steven Ellis of the Denver Fire Department told ZAP that the city is currently deficient in terms of meeting its fire response time standard in this area (roughly, 6-minute response time for 90 percent of calls). Response time will also be improved by the addition of a traffic signal at the 50thand CPB intersection, triggered by firefighters as they leave the site.
Features of the building, designed by OZ architects Joe Levi and Eric Becker, include design symmetry, brick detailing, clerestory windows, patios and screening walls.
ZAP members did ask the city to consider consolidating a proposed 125-ft.-high communications tower with the 50-ft.-tall hose tower. City staff said they would raise this matter with the safety manager’s office but gave the impression such a design change is unlikely. They noted the proposed communications tower is the same size as those found at other city fire stations.
The facility will be initially staffed with four firefighters and one fire truck. PCL Construction will build the fire station.
The project budget is $9.4 million approved through a complex “five-party finance agreement” for Stapleton’s remaining trunk infrastructure needs approved last spring. See the April 2017 Front Porch article: https://frontporchne.com/article/five-party-agreement-reached-section-10-financing/.