Learn About Quebec/Syracuse Plans at Sept. Meetings

09/01/2017  |  by John Fernandez

The public is invited to these informational meetings:

Quebec Street Multi-Modal Project
East 13th to East 26th Ave.
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 5:30–7:30pm
The Hope Center, 3475 Holly St.

Syracuse Bicycle/Pedestrian Study and Design Project
Wednesday, Sept. 13, 4:30–7pm
Ashley Elementary, 1914 Syracuse St

City projects are underway to redesign Quebec and Syracuse streets from Stapleton to Lowry. The changes to these busy north-south corridors are being made to address vehicular congestion and improve inadequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Known project elements include:

Quebec: a consistent four-lane roadway with turn lanes, continuous sidewalk and improved bus stops.
Syracuse: continuous on-street “bikeways” on both sides of the street and new sidewalks to close existing gaps.

Although located on parallel corridors and getting started roughly at the same time, the construction schedules for the two projects are very different.

Syracuse St. Plans

Design concepts for the Syracuse bikeways will be presented at the September open house with a goal of finalizing design by the end of year. These improvements would all occur within the existing curb line.

Construction is hoped for 2018, dependent upon on finding additional funding. Approved funding of $400,000 will cover design and implementation of the Syracuse bikeways. Funding for missing sidewalks is undetermined but city staff said they would explore the use of funds from the general obligation bond program that will go to the voters in November (see bond article on page 22).

Quebec St. Plans

Quebec, on the other hand, is just getting underway with an environmental review that is required as a condition of using federal funds. Construction would not begin until at least 2022. The project is currently funded at $23 million (half from the City of Denver, half from a federal transportation grant).

The Quebec project would potentially push the curb lines back and may impact private improvements established in the public right-of-way. For that reason, city project staff have been holding a series of meetings with affected property owners separate from the scheduled public meeting.

Prior Public Feedback

A public open house on the Syracuse project was held May 23. Dan Raine, city project manager in the Public Works Department, says feedback from the open house and an online survey indicate safety is the main concern and open house attendees expressed a desire to maintain parking along Syracuse St. The consistent four-laning of Quebec was selected as the preferred alternative through the Quebec Street Alternatives Analysis completed by the city in 2015.



  1. Arleigh Greenwald

    The Syracuse Project meeting says Monday, September 13th. Is it Monday September 11th or Wednesday the 13th?

    • Carol Roberts

      Thanks for catching that.
      The meeting is Wednesday, September 13
      It should not say Monday. We apologize for the error.

  2. Nick

    I would just like to point out that I attended the meeting and I did not express a desire to maintain parking along Syracuse street. In fact, I expressed my desire to remove parking in favor of more space for sidewalks and bike lanes, which would allow Syracuse to be a more useful north-south bicycle corridor.


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