Letter to the Editor: A Food (r)Evolution!

04/01/2015  |  by

I am a Denver Native who recently moved to North Aurora. I primarily buy organic, natural and non-GMO food, and it is so frustrating to have to travel so far for healthy food. I am grateful that our local King Soopers offers some organic alternatives, but I would prefer to shop at a market that is dedicated to healthy options. I was really amazed to hear that all the health foods stores were shunning our neighborhood. This is why I was so excited to find out, by word of mouth, about the NCCM (Northeast Community Co-op Market).

I used to shop at an amazing co-op when I lived in Brooklyn, NY. I loved the community feel and the prices were more affordable than traditional grocery stores. A co-op is owned by the members, giving a voice to the wants and needs of the community, offering local options and other benefits. The NCCM makes it easy to become a member, with a $200 fee for a lifetime membership. There are several payment plans available to make it more accessible to all income levels.

I am not willing to sit idly by, wishing for something to change in regards to the lack of healthy food options for my family. That is why I joined. The sooner the membership grows, the sooner the store will open. Why wait? Be part of this amazing project, you will be glad you did! http://www.northeastco-op.org/
—Lalania Simone Carrillo, Northeast Community Co-op Market Board of Directors


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