Letters to the Editor

05/01/2016  |  by

Drug prices are cause for alarm
I have lived in the North Park Hill/Stapleton area since 2000 and suffer from arthritis. It’s necessary for me to be on medication in order to keep my business operating. Without health insurance, the medication that works for me costs approximately $4,500 per month. Fortunately, I have insurance, along with a discount card from the drug company, which drastically reduces the cost.
Current practices not only drive up costs of pharmaceutical drugs making them out of reach for most individuals, they are driving up health insurance premiums, which has impacts on businesses, families and individuals across the board.
I followed a bill in the legislature earlier this year that would have allowed the state to gain some insight into drug pricing. The bill failed, but our legislators seemed to agree that high drug prices are a serious concern and the issue needs to be addressed. Something needs to be done and I hope our legislators will revisit the issue next year.
KC Ingraham

Access to contraception for all
State Rep. Angela Williams is a co-sponsor of several bills including House Bill 1294 which ensures that all Coloradans with health insurance have contraceptive coverage that is comprehensive, fair and consistent. As someone who works with Family Planning, I know how important it is for women of all economic, education and age levels to have access to a range of birth control options. Creating barriers to particular methods of contraception increases the risk of unintended pregnancy.
Access and cost issues are common reasons why women either do not use contraception or have gaps in use. We have seen too many common sense women’s health bills die in the legislature this session due to politicians who stand in the way of fairness and access to basic health care, so I want to thank Rep. Angela Williams for championing pro-active policies to expand access to women’s health care.
Cricket McHugh, Stapleton


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