NE Denver Student Test Results

09/01/2019  |  by Carol Roberts

Statewide, 3rd through 8th graders take the Colorado Measure of Academic Success (CMAS) Test. With SAT or ACT scores being a required part of most college applications, high school students take the PSAT (9th and 10th graders) and the SAT (11th graders) to track their readiness for college.

A closer look at the breakdown of statewide SAT scores reveals that past patterns of girls scoring lower than boys in math is changing. Girls are still strong in reading and writing (514 to 496 for boys)—but they are now approaching boys’ scores in math (493 to 499). It’s not just the girls, but also the communities of the future that stand to benefit from both genders reaching their potential.

More good news is that CMAS growth scores for DPS are higher than the statewide average. What’s troubling is that these test scores are a reminder that lower income children, with the same potential for learning and contributing to the community, are not reaching their educational potential. In DPS this year, 3,122 high school students eligible for free/reduced lunch took the SAT. With a combined score of 902, these students scored 173 points lower than the 1,927 more affluent students who took the test. Though test scores offer only one measure of student growth and success, the disparities point out the ongoing need for DPS to prioritize equity across schools in its diverse student population.


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