The proposed Alexan Montview Plaza development, initially introduced on this page last month, provided additional information to the Aurora Planning Department on June 11, including a siteplan (above) and rendering (below.)
The plan for five 5-story buildings with 394 units would join the two lots on either side of Chester St., making that a private street with a pedestrian bridge from Building #1 to the 4-story parking garage.
The proposal requests a variance from the currently zoned 150-foot maximum building length for the 330-foot long Building #1.
A “carriage way” connects the swimming pool and Westerly Creek-facing patio area to the Building #3 courtyard.
The buildings along Montview include 5,000 SF “Flex office/WeWork” space and approximately 14,000 SF for neighborhood grocery and retail at the corner of Clinton.
1) Alexan Montview Plaza Followup
According to the proposal submitted by developer Trammell Crow Residential, information on this proposal was sent to adjacent property owners and five registered neighborhood organizations; one comment was received from the local homeowners association, which supported the project.
Aurora requires that developments contribute to local parks and schools. The plans indicate that the developer will pay cash in lieu of providing land to the school district or building a “Small Urban Park” onsite. A courtyard on the west side of Building #1 is described as integrating with Westerly Creek. The 22nd Ave. cul de sac will have a paved walkway with public access to Westerly Creek.
This project is just south of Stanley Marketplace where 168 new units are planned, and it is next to 2201 Clinton a new 4-building, 338-unit apartment complex currently under construction. The three projects will bring a total of 900 apartment units to a 3-block area. The “Montview Plaza” plans can be found at: https://commerce.auroragov.org/developmentplanreviewpub/MyProjects/Home.aspx
2) Unique Denver Parks Are Coming to Central Park Neighborhood North of 56th
After parks in the Central Park neighborhood’s “trunk” open space get completed and vegetation is established, they are officially made part of the City of Denver’s parks. South of I-70 in Central Park, Greenway Park, Westerly Creek Park, Central Park and Sand Creek Park have officially joined the Denver Parks system.

Construction is expected to start this fall on a bike pump park and a nature playground in Central Park north of E. 57th Ave. and west of Elmira St..
North of I-70, parks in the “trunk” open space continue to be developed, with construction scheduled to start on two unique amenities this fall and be completed in about a year in “High Plains Park,” just north of E. 57th Ave. between Elmira and Dallas Streets.
The bike park (or pump track), according to Wikipedia, has “a continuous circuit of banked turns and features designed to be ridden completely by riders ‘pumping’—generating momentum by up and down body movements, instead of pedaling or pushing.”
Areas within the trunk open space have been designed by Civitas Inc. landscape architects to combine sports and athletic amenities with opportunities to experience nature in a variety of settings, like the upcoming nature playground pictured at left. Other natural playgrounds in NE Denver can be found in the March Front Porch article, “New Playgrounds in NE Celebrate Nature, Inclusivity.”