NHS Campus Dedicated to Paul Sandoval

10/01/2015  |  by Carol Roberts


DPS Superintendent Tom Boasberg (left) talks with Northfield High School Principal Avi Tropper at the dedication of the Paul Sandoval Campus on Sept. 12. Photo courtesy of DPS.

Northfield High School is located on the Paul Sandoval Campus. DPS chose to have a campus name because they “anticipate an additional school will be built on the Paul Sandoval Campus at some point and want to ensure each school is appropriately represented.” Each school will have their own name and a shared campus name, according to Will Jones, DPS director of media relations. “It also allows DPS the opportunity to honor outstanding leaders who can serve as role models for students attending schools on these campuses.” Paul Sandoval is known as a Colorado statesman, a Denver “tamale maker” and a champion of public education. The dedication, attended by numerous dignitaries, including city and state representatives, school board members and family members of Paul Sandoval. Tours of the new high school and a tamale lunch were also part of the event.


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