A look back at the charts in the June Front Porch and a look ahead at waitlists now through September
The DPS SchoolChoice Outcome charts in the June Front Porch were based on data available at the end of Round 1. Once Round 2 started, families have been able to log into their DPS account and prioritize an unlimited number of schools and change their SchoolChoice ranks as frequently as they wish. That means the number on any school’s waitlist will be changing continuously through September. Round 2 for preschools will continue through April 22 to be sure any seat that opens up will be filled.
Families who are unsure about how they can best use Round 2 SchoolChoice for their own circumstances should call the SchoolChoice Hotline at 720-423-3493 and request a conversation with the director or a supervisor, says Laurie Premer, Director of Enrollment Services.
Although families can call schools to learn what the waitlist is at any given time, “Don’t worry about the waitlist,” advises Premer, and apply anyway. Because waitlists are dynamic and depend on each applicant’s priorities, a waitlist of 60 doesn’t necessarily mean the next name is 61st on the list—so apply to a school if you’re interested in it!
When someone gets into their first-choice school, they get taken off the waitlist for all their other choices. “We think priorities are important. We honor them throughout Round 2,” says Premer. When a student with a sibling gets into a school, the sibling immediately has a higher priority than those on the list without a sibling, and their waitlist position will typically get better. Residents of a school boundary or school zone will always have a higher priority than those not in the boundary or zone for that school.
The SchoolChoice Hotline will be answered from 8:30am to 12:30pm in English and Spanish every day until July 19, and after July 19 it will be answered until 4pm. In addition to the Hotline at 720-423-3493, families can email SchoolChoice@dpsK12.org and they can find information at SchoolChoice.dpsK12.org