Stapleton United Neighbors Survey Highlights

10/28/2013  |  by Mark Mehringer, SUN president

More than 1,500 Stapleton residents took part in the latest SUN Survey, which included a range of questions about elementary schools, Eastbridge Town Center development, and Quebec congestion priorities. The results below highlight some of the answers from the community. Complete results will be posted on the SUN website at

Education—Proposed Changes to the Elementary Enrollment Process

SUN formed a committee in June to work toward finding a consensus community proposal on revising the enrollment priorities for Stapleton’s elementary school boundary. The committee recommended five changes to the process, and SUN sought community response to these proposed changes through our latest community survey. According to the survey results among 1500 members of the Stapleton community, two of the five proposed changes have at least two-thirds support—which was SUN’s definition of consensus. The details of the proposals can be found on SUN’s website: Below are the two elements of the proposal that gained consensus in the community:



Currently DPS policy is that priority for attending an elementary school in Stapleton is given to in-boundary siblings, students in the ECE program of the school, and children of staff teaching at the school. The committee proposes that the next priority be to give 25% of the remaining seats (after higher priorities have been determined) to students living within a proximity zone around each school.





SUN-SPOT-Middle-School-BoundaryAfter prioritizing Stapleton residents, the current enrollment system treats all other Denver residents equally in prioritization. The committee has proposed changing this to give a priority first to those students in the new middle school boundary and then to students in the rest of Denver. Do you support this proposal or not?






 What amenities would you like to see in Eastbridge?

 Chart showing desired Eastbridge amenities

Of the 25 types of amenities included in the survey, five stood out as sparking particularly broad and intense interest in the community. Two of those, a natural grocer and a locally owned coffee shop, have been widely discussed before. Nearly as desired as a coffee shop, though, are a bakery/café, a brewery/beer garden, and a breakfast restaurant. SUN hopes to use these results to recruit these types of amenities to the Eastbridge Town Center.

1 Comment

  1. Liz Begalla

    As a Stapleton resident I look forward to a grocery store in East Bridge that we were promised long ago…how soon? Let's get a move on!


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