The SUN name will remain. What are your thoughts on the discussion and vote?

05/01/2018  |  by

At the May 15 Community Forum, 452 ballots were cast to decide the question whether the name Stapleton United Neighbors (SUN) would be changed to Central Park United Neighbors. SUN bylaws require a 66 percent threshold for a bylaw change. With 58 percent of the votes cast in favor of changing the name, the measure did not pass and the name will remain the same. Forty-two percent (42%) voted to keep the name.
The Front Porch encourages residents to share your response to the process and the outcome of the community discussion and vote, which we will share in our June issue. Although we typically try to avoid use of anonymous comments, in the interest of a full range of views, we will honor requests for anonymity. Please email comments to  Melinda @ or Carol @, post here, or post on our Facebook page.

Stapleton residents are shown voting on whether to change the name Stapleton United Neighbors (SUN) to Central Park United Neighbors. The 58% vote in favor of the name change did not reach the 66% threshold required by SUN bylaws to implement the change.


  1. John Nada

    The entire process was poorly handled and advertised, though I suspect that was by design – in order to give the name changers a better chance to achieve the 66% threshold. I am sure SUN wants to change their name – at the bare minimum to put an end to the constant pressure they are under. The apologetic tone to the announcement that the name would remain spoke volumes.

    The 2016 State of Colorado demographic report for Stapleton lists:
    4807 people living west of Central Park Blvd – 75% over 18 yrs old (3605 eligible to vote.)
    8648 people living east of Central Park Blvd – 62% over 18 yrs old (5362 eligible to vote.) That is 8,967 voters as of 2014 and easily higher now. How anyone can claim a victory (let alone a clear neighborhood preference) on either side when 452 / 8,967 people (5%) participated in the vote is asinine. There should be a minimum participation threshold to either hold a vote or implement the outcome.

    SUN needs to run a proper vote. I understand that all adults living in Stapleton are automatically part of the group. However, how does the group actually know who is a member? Start with an extended campaign / registration drive to create a database of people who meet the requirements to vote. Once registered, send a numbered ballot to their place of residence unique to each registered adult. This is the only fair way to get a higher participation rate and a full idea of the desires of the neighborhood. If there was a 35 – 50% participation rate, I think those opposed would be far more inclined to accept a change, whether that change was at the current 66% threshold, or by a simple majority.

    They won’t do it though. They already have their idea of what fair is. The next thing that will happen is a push to amend the bylaws to allow a change by simple majority vote, whether by petition, community vote or through the election of new board members.

  2. John Seifert

    It was a lousy vote a lousy choice (CPUN? really?) and allowed zero community participation in the process.

    Why should changing the name require 66%? Obviously a large majority prefer changing our nsme. Why are we subject to the whims of the minority viewpoint? Why not 66% to keep the name Stapleton?


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