WCMD board members (from left): Justin Ross, Tom Downey, Katie Bedard Dell, Tim Thornton. Dave Ungemah was not present. WCMD Legal Counsel Paul Cockrel is at right.
The Westerly Creek Metropolitan District (WCMD) board has two new members as a result of the May 3rd election. Newcomers Katie Bedard Dell and Justin M. Ross join incumbent David H. Ungemah who was re-elected. Each will serve a four-year term. Dell received the most votes (50) followed by Ross (42) and Ungemah (27).
At the first meeting of the new board on May 26, the new members were sworn in and the following slate of officers was voted on and approved:
President: Tom Downey – Vice President: Tim Thornton
Secretary/Treasurer: David Ungemah
Asst. Secretary/Treasurers: Katie Bedard Dell, Justin Ross
The special district tax paid by Stapleton residents is collected by WCMD but, by law, must be passed on to Park Creek Metro District (PCMD) for the construction of Stapleton’s infrastructure. The board reviews and approves the budget and other documents required of special districts.