2018 marks the 13th year for the garage sale. It’s easy to picture the sidewalks filled with toys, furniture and clothing.
Front Porch Wins “General Excellence” Award
Northeast Denver has an award-winning community newspaper because local businesses support it.
NE Choice Outcomes 2018
The first round of Denver Public Schools’ school choice for 2018 has concluded, and we have the local outcomes. Fortunately, this year most students in the district and in our neighborhoods received their first choices.
…NE News Updates
1.) What’s the latest schedule for completion of CPB Bridge? The bridge will be open to traffic by...
Phantom Pavilion Appears in Prairie Basin Park
Phantom Pavilion, the newly installed public art sculpture in Prairie Basin Park, is located in the promontory on Trenton Street at Stoll Place.
Game Changer: HopSkipDrive
No joke! In the first week of April, a ride sharing service for kids entered the Denver market. Yes, HopSkipDrive—an “Uber for kids”—is here, founded by three moms who know that the kid transport struggle is real.
Cups and Conversations Served Here
Noting the rapid growth in Northfield, Rick Humbert and Winifred Harris set their sights on opening Intersections, a family-friendly breakfast and lunch spot filling a previously unavailable niche in the area.
The Biggest Building in Stapleton; Mint Town Center
Living at the Mint Town Center looks more like life in a mini village than in an apartment building.
May SUN News and Events
Via a paper ballot at the Annual Community Forum, residents will be asked to respond yes or no to: “Should the name of the Registered Neighborhood Organization as reflected in Article 1, Section 1, of the Stapleton United Neighbors Bylaws be changed from Stapleton United Neighbors to Central Park United Neighbors?”
Vote for WCMD Board Members by May 8
Westerly Creek Metropolitan District (WCMD) has an elected board that is chosen through a biannual vote.
……NE News Updates
The 60” x 52 x 53” tan metal boxes are power storage batteries that are part of a pilot project being conducted by Xcel Energy.
Women’s Homelessness Initiative: “There are a lot of commonalities with our lives.”
Every other month on Tuesday nights, 20 guests arrive at 6pm for dinner at Park Hill Congregational United Church of Christ (PHUCC).