
…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1)New Retail Development at 40th & CPB; 2)Retail Also Coming to E. 46th Pl. and CPB; 3)Natural Grocers Coming to MLK & CPB; 4)338 Apartments Starting Construction in Aurora.

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NE News Updates

NE News Updates

This month: 1) Day of the Dead–Celebrate Nov. 2 at Stanley; 2) Beer Garden on Dayton to Open by Late Nov.; 3) In-N-Out Burger at CPB and 46th? 4) High-Comfort Bike Lanes in NE; 5) Sprouts Opens; and 6) MLS To Return to Dick’s Sporting Goods Park.

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…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) Sprouts To Open July 22; 2) Stanley Opens with Two New Businesses; 3) Control Tower Owner Expects Building To Remain an “Eat & Play” Destination; 4) DPS To Remove Cops from Schools; 5) City Council Approves Nov. Ballot Measure Re: Key Appointed Positions; plus State Updates.

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Chicago Meets Denver Meets Mexico

Chicago Meets Denver Meets Mexico

“When the lovely people at the administrative offices in the City of Aurora caught wind of our project, they became keenly interested in what we were doing,” says Cortés-Maceda.

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Pierogis Like Great-Grandma Made

Pierogis Like Great-Grandma Made

“We make every single one of our pierogis by hand and from scratch; it’s very labor-intensive and then we boil them and then we package them.”

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First Priority: Keep the Employees

First Priority: Keep the Employees

“Are you really worried about getting an oil change in a time of pandemic?” asks Mohamed Mouaddine when queried about his April workflow at Amina Auto Repair.

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Reducing Your Greens’ Carbon Footprint

Reducing Your Greens’ Carbon Footprint

After conducting research on the produce supply chain, Puri and Haley were stunned to learn from conversations with retailers and local restaurants how far fresh produce had to travel.

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…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) Gotham Greens, 2) Open Space Supporters Say Park Hill Land Can’t Legally Be Developed, 3) Major Fossil Discovery by DMNS Team

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Casa de Paz: A Helping Hand for Detainees

Casa de Paz: A Helping Hand for Detainees

Every weeknight, volunteers gather to ferry people released from Aurora’s GEO detention facility to the Casa de Paz (“House of Peace”), an all-volunteer nonprofit that since 2012 has served 2306 people from 30 countries.

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