Bird Sightings

Bird Sightings: Bald Eagle

Bird Sightings: Bald Eagle

Although the bald eagle has been considered our national symbol for more than 240 years, the United States Congress had never made it official.

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Bird Sightings: Killdeer

Bird Sightings: Killdeer

The killdeer is a shorebird that is not always associated with water. One finds the killdeer on lawns, golf courses, driveways, parking lots, gravel-covered roofs, natural pastures, fields, sandbars, and mudflats.

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Bird Sightings: Canada Goose

Bird Sightings: Canada Goose

I spotted a white goose among the Canada geese at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge this past May. The white goose is a snow goose with black wingtips visible in flight. It has pink feet and a pink bill that has a prominent black “grin patch.”

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Bird Sightings: Burrowing Owl

Bird Sightings: Burrowing Owl

Most owls are nocturnal, carnivorous, and nest in trees or man-made boxes. But there is an owl named the burrowing owl that is active during the day, nests in burrows dug by prairie dogs or ground squirrels, and eats principally insects but also hunts small rodents.

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Bird Sightings: Songs of the Season

Bird Sightings: Songs of the Season

For many birds, spring migration and breeding season are in full swing. Some birds are more often heard than seen including two elusive, chicken-like birds, the sora and the Virginia rail, and the smaller yellow-breasted chat.

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