During the winter months, Goldeneyes and Mergansers are among the many diving ducks we see in and around Denver, and while they look similar, they also have several distinguishing characteristics.
Bird Sightings
Bird Sightings: What are Bird Pellets?
Pellets are formed and regurgitated by all birds of prey because, lacking teeth, they cannot chew their food.
Bird Sightings: Thrushes and Thrashers
Some examples of brown and white songbirds I have encountered in and around Denver.
Bird Sightings: Green Heron
For the last two years, the Green Heron, a small heron of the eastern United States has been a vagrant in Northeast Denver during Fall migration.
Bird Sightings: Towhee & Northern Pintail
This month: the Green-tailed Towhee and the Spotted Towhee plus the Northern Pintail.
Bird Sightings: Keystone Species
Many birds are raising their young at this time of year in the tree hole nests of aspen trees.
Bird Sightings: Spring Migration
I’m surprised that I have not yet showcased the Mallard and the Canada Goose in my “Bird Sightings” column because they are two of the most ubiquitous birds around the Denver area.
Bird Sightings
Birding can be nuanced and humbling. But modern technologies, such as continuous auto-focusing digital cameras, and the Merlin app from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, have helped me become a better birder—more skillful, knowledgeable, and accurate.
Bird Sightings: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs are large sandpipers that look alike. The Greater Yellowlegs is a heavier, bulkier bird while the Lesser Yellowlegs is a slimmer, more delicate bird.
Bird Sightings: Welcoming Spring
Daylight has been lengthening since the Winter Solstice of Dec. 21, 2022. March 20, 2023 marked the Spring Equinox. Spring signifies renewal, awakening, and the beginning of new lives.
Bird Sightings: Hooded Merganser and American Dipper
This month George Ho presents the Hooded Merganser and the American Dipper.
Bird Sightings – Sandhill Cranes and Eastern/Western Kingbirds
Sandhill Cranes are large, tall, gray birds with broad wings and long legs. Both Western and Eastern Kingbirds are warm weather visitors in the United States.