The Double-crested Cormorant is a large waterbird with a stocky body, long neck, medium-sized tail, webbed feet, and a medium-sized hooked bill. The Black-capped Chickadee is a small songbird.
Bird Sightings
Bird Sightings: American Coot, American Crow, and Common Raven
This month the American Coot, a small waterborne bird, and the American Crow and Common Raven, two large black birds.
Bird Sightings: Mobbing Behavior Among Birds
Birds, like other wildlife, exhibit behavior of self-preservation and will risk their own safety to protect their young and preserve the territory they inhabit.
Bird Sightings: Least Sandpiper and Long-billed Curlew
This month the Least Sandpiper, the smallest shorebird in the world, and the Long-billed Curlew, the largest shorebird on the continental United States.
Bird Sightings – Osprey & Sora
Large bird this month is the osprey. Small bird is the sora.
Bird Sightings – Shorebirds
In landlocked Colorado, we have approximately 23 species of birds that wade in water and live close by lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and creeks. Common shorebirds in Denver are Killdeers and Ring-billed Gulls.
Bird Sightings – Three Egrets
This month, three egrets: the Great Egret, the Snowy Egret, and the Cattle Egret.
Northern Harrier and American Goldfinch
This month: the Northern Harrier and American Goldfinch.
Bird Sightings: Night Heron and Yellow-headed Blackbird
This month: Night Heron and Yellow-headed Blackbird
Bird Sightings
This month featuring the Black-necked Stilt and the Yellow-rumped Warbler. Go to and look under birdwatching for information, registration and getting on the email list for birdwatching.
Bird Sightings
This month: The American white pelican and the Pyrrhuloxia
Bird Sightings: Cooper’s Hawk and Red-winged Blackbird
Bird Walks Mar. 5 and Apr. 2, 8 –10am. Join George Ho and other bird experts for a free guided walk around Bluff Lake. All are welcome. Bring your own binoculars or borrowed ones will be available. 11255 MLK Blvd.