Entering the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Aurora, it’s difficult not to feel awed.
A Place Where Kids Can Learn, Play and Just Be Kids
Lacking a natural outdoor play area, and with changing property management and increasing rents, Rachel Baumel and her husband, Dan Mitzner, co-owners of the school, decided it was time to build a place of their own.
Training Helps Keep You Agile as You Age
Simply bending down to pick up a box off the porch, carrying a child, or sitting at a desk calls into action what our bodies are meant to do. Yet we often do those moves incorrectly.
Is It Real or Is It a Replica?
With self-deprecating names like “Pickpocket,” “Knockoff,” and “Label Envy,” Integrated Beverage Group’s Replica wines wink at consumers who seek both good taste and value in a bottle.
Damn the Torpedoes
Located in the recently renovated Oneida Park development at 23rd and Oneida in Park Hill, Torpedo Coffee offers drinks, baked goods, breakfast burritos, sandwiches and salads to eat there or grab and go.
United Celebrates Its Expansion
The largest flight training center in the world is our NE Denver neighbor at Quebec St. and 35th Ave.
Scooters–People Love ‘Em. But they don’t follow the rules.
No one seems to follow the rules. Do you see helmets? No. Are scooters only on the sidewalks? No. Only one person per scooter? No. During an afternoon outing on a scooter, our writer found people enthusiastically riding them, but not following the rules.
Cider in the City
Daniel Haykin finds apples captivating. Not only will he tell you that but it’s readily apparent in the sole ingredients of the cider he makes: apples and yeast.
Healthy Foods for Pets
Bob Corman’s first job was as a bagger at an Albertson’s grocery store; today, customers may find him bagging healthy pet foods—but now he’s the owner of his own store in Park Hill.
…NE News Updates
News updates and briefs for the NE Denver area
A Fun Place to Become Tech Savvy
“We’re helping kids to be creative problem solvers who can navigate fast-evolving technology,” says Brenda Lane, co-owner of MindCraft Makerspace in the Stanley Marketplace.
Kellye Giles: Sharing Her Lifelong Passion for Karate
“I don’t know where it comes from,” Kellye Giles says, “when I am on the deck I’m a whole new person.”