
Stapleton Is Possible Amazon Site

Stapleton developer Forest City is submitting possible sites to the state as Colorado responds to Amazon’s September 7 announcement that it is seeking to develop a second corporate headquarters.

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Sprouts and The Village at Central Park Station

Sprouts and The Village at Central Park Station

Developer David Friedman has offered some additional details about his plans for the transit-oriented development (TOD) a block south of the Central Park Rail Station on the land he recently purchased from Forest City.

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Manscaping: A Different Ball of Wax

Manscaping: A Different Ball of Wax

Manicures, pedicures, facials and waxing, long thought of as a woman’s domain, are increasingly being seen as grooming services for men, according to local business owners.

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A Place of Their Own

A Place of Their Own

Imagine a shared office concept that would address and alleviate the “pain points” career women face.

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A Glimpse of the Future

A Glimpse of the Future

A 382-acre plot of prairie along Peña Blvd. has, over the past couple of years, become a hotbed of cutting-edge technology that could become part of our lives in the not-too-distant future.

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