Central Park History

The SUN name will remain. What are your thoughts on the discussion and vote?

The SUN name will remain. What are your thoughts on the discussion and vote?

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of the votes favored changing the name, but the SUN bylaws require sixty-six percent (66%), so the measure did not pass and the name will remain the same. The Front Porch encourages residents to share with us your response to the community discussion and outcome of the vote, which we will include in our June issue (if received by 5pm, Wednesday, May 23).
Although we don’t typically accept anonymous comments, we hope to reflect a full range of views on the discussion and vote, and also hear your thoughts on moving forward as a diverse and inclusive community. Post here, on Front Porch Newspaper Facebook page, or email Melinda@FrontPorchNE.com or Carol@FrontPorchNE.com.

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What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

All Stapleton residents and persons who own residential property within the footprint of SUN are invited to attend the 6pm meeting on May 15 at the Cube, 8371 E. Northfield Blvd.

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May SUN News and Events

May SUN News and Events

Via a paper ballot at the Annual Community Forum, residents will be asked to respond yes or no to: “Should the name of the Registered Neighborhood Organization as reflected in Article 1, Section 1, of the Stapleton United Neighbors Bylaws be changed from Stapleton United Neighbors to Central Park United Neighbors?”

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Could oil/gas drilling come to Stapleton?

Could oil/gas drilling come to Stapleton?

Mineral rights under Stapleton land were nearly made available for auction last month, which would have allowed oil and gas operators to bid for the right to drill. By a 4-0 vote, influenced by public comment, the State Land Board rejected the idea, but what is going on?

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The Stapleton Name: What’s next? And what are people saying?

The Stapleton Name: What’s next? And what are people saying?

What’s Next?” is the question we’ve heard since the Dec. 11 community-wide listening sessions about keeping or changing the Stapleton name. Five organizations that contribute to the community in different ways sponsored the two sessions, one afternoon and one evening, to get a sense of community views on the subject. All five organizations have Stapleton associated with their names.

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Changes in Stapleton Signage

Changes in Stapleton Signage

Forest City Vice President Tom Gleason responded by email to an inquiry about the removal of the Stapleton logo from the E. 29th Ave. Town Center sign at E. 29th Avenue and Quebec Street:

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