On a bitter old evening in February, a crowd gathered outside the GEO Aurora ICE Detention Center, just a few days after immigration raids were carried out in Denver and Aurora.
Current Issue
Setting the Table for a Healing Kitchen Near Colfax
During the pandemic in 2020, a lot of people picked up new hobbies, cleaned out the basement, or made sourdough bread. Katie Goldman bought a building.
The Force Behind Central Park Public Art is Retiring
Barbara Neal has been the guiding force behind the public art installations that adorn parks, open spaces, and other public areas throughout the Central Park neighborhood, but after 20 years of service, she has decided it is time to retire.
Development News: Projects in NE Denver and NW Aurora
Development projects have an impact on traffic, schools, and everyday life, so they are often of interest to neighbors. Front Porch has an update on several upcoming projects.
Front Porch’s 25th Anniversary
Be a part of this milestone by having your name or business listed in our special “Thank You” Front Porch Anniversary edition.
…NE News Updates
This month: Northeast Denver Libraries Get Major Upgrades and Openings and Closings
Green Simple Living: Sowing the Seeds of Climate Change
Growing your own vegetables eliminates fossil fuels that bring food an average of 1,500 miles to get to your plate, among other benefits.
Bird Sightings: Small Birds
House sparrows and house finches are ubiquitous small birds that are seen year-round in Denver. However, they are often overlooked.
Local Events March thru Early April
Visit/add events at www.FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for the upcoming month’s issue.
Westerly Creek Reconstruction Project Underway
The Westerly Creek reconstruction process has started in the field just west of Stanley Marketplace.
Indie Prof: It’s Oscar Time
It is Oscar time, and it is quite the interesting year with a wide-open field. We also bring you a Spring Cinema Series at The Cube: Noir Nights, beginning in late March.
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston Will Testify Before Congress
Mayor Johnston will appear before the House Oversight Committee on March 5, according to a statement from his office.