
Neighborhood Vote to Determine Fate of MLK Noise Wall

Neighborhood Vote to Determine Fate of MLK Noise Wall

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have concluded that noise walls on the south side of MLK from Ironton St. to Moline St. are a “reasonable and feasible” means for mitigating noise impacts on adjacent residences in that three-block stretch.

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Letters to the Editor

As part of a successful effort to foster a unified school culture, George Washington High School has recently instituted a curricular model providing freshman and sophomore students exposure to a full range of subjects and then assisting in the choice of a pathway (College Prep, Advance Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Career Connect) to focus on as juniors and seniors.

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Victory Crossing Victory

At the end of December, President Obama signed the Defense Authorization Act that includes a provision allowing Commerce City to “test out of” a land use restriction prohibiting residential uses in its Victory Crossing project.

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Planning Continues for APS 25th Ave. Campus

Voter approval of Aurora Public Schools’ (APS) $300 million bond issue in November has given the APS administration a green light to resume planning for a 6th–12th-grade campus on a nine-acre parcel located on the north side of 25th Ave. between Galena and Geneva streets.

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