
Eastbridge Grocery/Gas Station Update

King Soopers will be meeting with the city in January and will meet with the Stapleton Design Review Committee following that meeting to continue the development of their plans for a grocery store.

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Lift-off for Stanley Marketplace

Lift-off for Stanley Marketplace

“This is not a traditional development project. This is a movement. It’s about bringing like-minded businesses together who believe in more than the bottom line, about creating a sense of community, about tearing down fences and building bridges.”

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King Soopers Meeting Draws Angry Crowd

King Soopers Meeting Draws Angry Crowd

Approximately 100 attendees listened to plans for King Soopers and Eastbridge retail and expressed their concerns about the development: the parking is too big, they don’t want a gas station and they fear pedestrian access won’t be safe.

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Beer Garden at Stanley

Beer Garden at Stanley

Kevin Taylor says his new beer garden restaurant will keep his high standards for quality but have a feel and price point the community welcome.

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