
More Events You Might Enjoy

More Events You Might Enjoy

Screenagers is a one-hour documentary that covers internet, video game and social media use by pre-teens and teenagers and how parents can empower kids to best navigate the digital world.

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Community Welcomes Refugees

Community Welcomes Refugees

The day before Valentine’s Day, Isabella Bird Community School celebrated its refugee community with a strong showing of love by giving away books and art supplies to refugee students.

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20,000 + Attend MLK Rally & Marade

20,000 + Attend MLK Rally & Marade

Public officials and dignitaries representing Denver and Colorado at the annual MLK Marade honored Dr. King with stories about him and reminded the crowd to take inspiration from his work. But the speeches on this cold snowy day reflected a new urgency to work together and a concern that progress that has been made may be at risk.

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Events & Announcements

Events & Announcements

Active Minds Seminar
This is a free, no-reservation-needed public program brought to you by the Stapleton MCA. Location: Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.

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Winter Welcome

Winter Welcome

Winter Welcome on November 18 at the East 29th Ave. Town Center brought the coldest temperatures of the season to date—but that didn’t dampen the spirits of 3,000 people who came out to view the lighting of the tree and celebrate the holiday season.

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