The discovery is in the details. Star Wars and the Power of Costume at Denver Art Museum, on exhibit through April 2, shows off the finer points of the costumes—the real costumes—worn by Star Wars’ iconic characters.
Events & Announcements
The Second Annual Harvesting Hope 5K Stapleton Turkey Trot will be held Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24 at Stapleton’s Central Park.
Events & Announcements
Pumpkin Patch & Final Farmers Market
Washed Ashore
Widowed at the age of 47, artist and teacher Angela Haseltine Pozzi sought refuge and healing on the southern Oregon coast at an old family cabin.
Nearby Events—(Mostly) Free or Supporting Non-Profits
Check out this list of nearby events in the upcoming month. Most are free or supporting non-profits.
Stapleton Open Studios Sept 23-25
The self-guided Stapleton Open Studios tour of artists’ studios is back, with 22 artists ready to meet visitors, show their work and demonstrate how it is made.
Park Hill Home Tour Still Going Strong after 38 Years
The Park Hill Home Tour takes place Sept. 11 from 11am – 5pm. Accompanying the tour is a neighborhood street fair between Montview and 17th on Forest Pkwy. with vendors, music, kids activities and wine garden.
Fighting Cancer…It Takes a Community
Four local people’s lives remind us that everyone can have an impact in the fight against cancer.
Events & Announcements
MoJaBlu Concert Series
Thursday, August 4, 6:30–8:30pm
Join the Stapleton MCA and Jazz@Jack’s Thursday evenings for Motown, Jazz and Blues on Conservatory Green located at 49th Place and Valentia St. This is a free concert open to the public!
Artist Selected for Street Mural
Belarusian-born painter Yulia Avgustinovich has been selected by the city of Aurora for a unique project – design and execution of a “mural” to cover two blocks of Clinton Street leading to Stanley Marketplace (Montview to 23rd Ave.).
Don’t Miss These Calendar Events!
Local Upcoming Calendar Events
Music on the Greens
All concerts are free and open to the public and seating for concerts on The Greens is first-come, first-served. Concert goers may bring their own chairs, blankets, food and drink.