A world premiere, immersive experience featuring the art of Spanish artist Salvador Dali has opened at The LUME in Stanley Marketplace. “Dali Alive” is a multi-media and multi-sensory creation that features 500 images of Dali’s work, a musical soundtrack, spice-filled aroma dispersion, an “infinity room” with a hall of mirrors, and a studio where visitors can draw on large sketchpads.
Safer Neighborhoods Forum
Panelists include Denver District Attorney Beth McCann, State Representatives Jennifer Bacon and Steven Woodrow, Denver Youth Violence Prevention Program Manager Felicia Rodriguez, Together Colorado’s Vickie Wilhite, Denver Police Chief Ron Thomas, and District 5 Lt. Kevin Hines. To submit a question to the panelists, go to the ‘Ask Front Porch” tab at the top of the page.
November and Early December Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
October and Early November Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
Sept. & Early Oct. Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
Aug. & Early Sep. Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
July & Early August Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
June and Early July Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
May and Early June Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
…NE News Updates
This month: 1) Westerly Creek Metro District Election Cancelled; 2) Central Park Community Garage Sale May 14 and 15; 3) E-Bike and E-Cargo Bike Instant Rebates; 4) Youth Sport Training Facility Coming to Northeast Denver and 5) Parking Improvements at the Stanley Marketplace.
April & Early May Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.
March and Early April Events
View and add local events FREE at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Submissions by the 17th will be considered for printing in the upcoming month’s issue.