“…there’s this huge silent majority of parents who are vaccinating their kids. Only now, when we’re able to see these rates and we’re hearing about outbreaks because parents are refusing vaccines.”
Vaccine Data: One More Tool for Parents
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“…there’s this huge silent majority of parents who are vaccinating their kids. Only now, when we’re able to see these rates and we’re hearing about outbreaks because parents are refusing vaccines.”
Determining the right age for kids to start playing competitive sports can be a difficult choice, and now families face it even earlier. What is good and about competitive sports?
Nearly 55 percent of U.S. infants sleep with potentially unsafe bedding, according to a December 2014 study by the National Institutes of Health. The rate is higher among babies of young, low- income, non-college-educated, and/or African-American or Hispanic moms.
With a wide range of sports teams and programs nearby, the Front Porch guide to youth sports can help decide what’s right for your child.