“If you start doing drugs you’ll probably like them. That’s the problem,” says Ben Stincer.
Child Tax Credit Is a Reality; Bennet’s Work Made it Happen
During the Democratic primary, Sen. Bennet ran on his American Family Act, which was subsequently endorsed by the Biden-Harris campaign and now has been included in the American Rescue Act.
Sue Stomps into Denver
SUE, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton ever found, has arrived at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for a two-month visit. Designed to appeal to dinosaur lovers of all ages, the exhibition features large-screen animations of SUE’s swampy habitat, a re-creation of the archaeological dig where SUE was found, touchable bronze casts of SUE’s bones, and more than 20 fossils of dinosaurs discovered in Colorado.
Books by Local Authors
Roger Kahn’s “How Crested Butte Became a Tourist Town: Drugs, Sex, Sports, Arts and Social Conflict,” Zoe Argento’s “Isolation Island: A Pandemic Story,” and Kathryn Haber’s “Fear Less, Love More.”
DMNS Space Odyssey Relaunches
The original Space Odyssey, opened in 2003, has been expanded and updated to include the new tools used by science and aerospace professionals.
Reducing Kids’ Stress During the Pandemic
The challenges of parenting during the pandemic are daunting: trying to keep everyone safe and healthy, managing online schooling, curtailing children’s social activities, and keeping harmony as everyone’s patience is being tested.
Foster Care to Adoption: A Challenging, Rewarding Road
826 days. That’s how long Poppy was in foster care. She was fortunate to be cared for and loved by a single family for most of those days. For foster parents, living with the knowledge that biological parents have the opportunity to have their kids back until their rights are officially terminated is the biggest hurdle.
Back to (Home) School
If you were listening carefully on July 17, you could almost hear the city-wide moan as DPS announced its decision to postpone in-person learning until at least after Labor Day.
Family-Owned Pizza—Characters Included
It’s not just princesses who are regulars at Park Hill’s oldest neighborhood-owned and -operated pizzeria. All sorts of characters are regulars at the restaurant that Morgan McKay’s parents opened in 1996, and which she bought back about four years ago.
Drones: Fun & Technology to Solve Problems
“The average person would be surprised to learn the depth and the breadth of the use of drone technology. Most people think a drone is just a toy you get for Christmas, but actually it’s used by the military, animal conservation, real estate, the movie industry, you name it.”
Outdoor School for Tots
The temperature is a brisk 23 degrees as bundled-up preschool children tromp down the steps at Bluff Lake Nature Center, eager to start their school day. “Where should we go today?” asks instructor Brett Dabb. “The cicada forest!” yell several children.
Family Stress During the Holidays?
Holiday gatherings can be tough, even in the best of times, because we’re surrounded by images of seemingly happy, loving families that get along or, at least, seem to resolve their issues amicably. This can lead us to expect the same from our own family, even though it’s never been the case in the past.