Growing your own vegetables eliminates fossil fuels that bring food an average of 1,500 miles to get to your plate, among other benefits.
Green Simple Living
A Welcoming New Art Space Opens in the Aurora Arts District
Alicia “Bruce” Trujillo’s new business, Manos Sagrados, (Sacred Hands), offers both studio and performance spaces that welcome all but are centered on BIPOC, femme, LGBTQ+, and disabled artists.
New Developments Planned in NE Denver and NW Aurora
There’s new information this week about several proposed development projects in the area in and around Central Park.
Green Simple Living: New Year’s Resolution…Stopping Food Waste
As we turn the calendar to 2025, it’s time to set a “green” New Year’s resolution. This year, I propose we work together to stop food waste.
Green Simple Living: Making Greener Choices at the Dinner Table
“Do you know how much water it takes to raise a cow?” It was a simple question, and though I could claim hog and sheep farming as part of my childhood, I didn’t know the answer.
Green Simple Living: Replace Your Furnace with a Heat Pump
Having taught Environmental Communication for over two decades now, I find myself in frequent conversation about climate change. I’ve noticed a shift over time.