If all goes according to plan, Denver will welcome a new public schools superintendent by the end of the year.
Three Schools Vie for North Stapleton Site
What do local families want to see in a new local middle school? That’s the question on the minds of three school leaders vying to open a new 500-600 seat middle school in the Greater Park Hill/Stapleton enrollment zone in Fall 2019.
2018 CMAS Test Results for NE Denver Schools
2018 CMAS Test Results for NE Denver Schools
A Winning Softball Season
Four years ago, the Riptide girls competitive softball team was formed—and they didn’t win a single tournament game that year.
September SUN News: DPS Call for Quality Schools
Three programs have responded to the Denver Public Schools (DPS) call for quality middle schools issued in late July 2018: The Denver Green School, High Tech, and Beacon Middle School.
Jets Lacrosse Nets 6 State Championship Teams
The Jets Lacrosse Club, which started in 2009 with “a handful” of players, now has 14 teams with a total of about 250 players, mostly from Stapleton, Park Hill and Lowry, says U13 coach Stephen Flannery.
What is an iZone?
Four northeast schools with a shared commitment to the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme have been approved by the Denver Board of Education to form an Innovation Zone (iZone).
A Fun Place to Become Tech Savvy
“We’re helping kids to be creative problem solvers who can navigate fast-evolving technology,” says Brenda Lane, co-owner of MindCraft Makerspace in the Stanley Marketplace.
August & Early September Events
Events happening in our area in early August & September
Scouting Includes Girls
Come 2019, the “Boy Scouts” become Scouts BSA. This more gender-inclusive label is just part of the reorganization process following the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA’s) decision to incorporate girls into their Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs.
Setting up a Lemonade Stand to the Letter of the Law in Denver
Technically, even a child’s lemonade stand falls under the same rules and regulations as other temporary businesses.
Friendly New Bookstore Comes to NW Aurora
With all the excitement surrounding the opening of Stanley Marketplace in northwest Aurora, the quiet opening of a secondhand bookshop just down the street may have gone unnoticed.