
Reducing  Kids’ Stress  During  the  Pandemic

Reducing Kids’ Stress During the Pandemic

The challenges of parenting during the pandemic are daunting: trying to keep everyone safe and healthy, managing online schooling, curtailing children’s social activities, and keeping harmony as everyone’s patience is being tested.

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Foster Care to Adoption: A Challenging, Rewarding Road

Foster Care to Adoption: A Challenging, Rewarding Road

826 days. That’s how long Poppy was in foster care. She was fortunate to be cared for and loved by a single family for most of those days. For foster parents, living with the knowledge that biological parents have the opportunity to have their kids back until their rights are officially terminated is the biggest hurdle.

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Outdoor School for Tots

Outdoor School for Tots

The temperature is a brisk 23 degrees as bundled-up preschool children tromp down the steps at Bluff Lake Nature Center, eager to start their school day. “Where should we go today?” asks instructor Brett Dabb. “The cicada forest!” yell several children.

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Vaping: “Using your body as a chemistry experiment”

Vaping: “Using your body as a chemistry experiment”

If you have a child in middle school or high school, there’s an excellent chance they have tried vaping (“E-cigarettes”) or are regularly vaping. “Parents would not be wrong to assume that your child has either vaped or has been exposed to those who have fairly regularly,” says Dr. Heather Hoch, a Stapleton resident who specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology at Children’s Hospital Colorado.

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Nurturing Resiliency in Kids—Free at the CUBE April 17

Nurturing Resiliency in Kids—Free at the CUBE April 17

Two experts will share their insights and expertise at a free and open-to-the-public event, “Teaching our Kids and Teens Success through Resiliency.” Both Dr. Cypers and Dr. Wamboldt have specialties in adolescent and family dynamics, with an emphasis on anxiety and stress.

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