Parks/Open Space

A Wonder Wander Walk at Bluff Lake

A Wonder Wander Walk at Bluff Lake

It’s not that easy to slow down along MLK Jr. Blvd., but that’s just what you’ll need to do if you head to Bluff Lake Nature Center for “Nature Wonder Wanders.”

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…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) New Luxury Apartment Complex; 2) Three Arrows Gallery Opens in Central Park; 3) Kurt Dennis Sues Denver Public Schools; 4) New Businesses at The Shops at Northfield; 5) National Wildlife Property Repository; and 6) New Plans for Bluff Lake Nature Center.

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…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) Participatory Budgeting Ballot Results; 2) Oblio’s Pizzeria Has a New Owner; 3) Therizo Café is now Copper Door Coffee; and 4) Newsies: A School Musical by McAuliffe Students.

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Ballot Will Determine Fate of Park Hill Golf Course

Ballot Will Determine Fate of Park Hill Golf Course

This November, two similarly-worded ballot initiatives with opposite intentions will decide the fate of the Park Hill Golf Course, a currently unused 155-acre open space that sits at the corner of Colorado Blvd. and E. 35th Ave.

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…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) Alexan Montview Plaza Followup and 2) Unique Denver Parks Are Coming to Central Park Neighborhood North of 56th.

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Outdoor School for Tots

Outdoor School for Tots

The temperature is a brisk 23 degrees as bundled-up preschool children tromp down the steps at Bluff Lake Nature Center, eager to start their school day. “Where should we go today?” asks instructor Brett Dabb. “The cicada forest!” yell several children.

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Bluff Lake: A Living Laboratory

Bluff Lake: A Living Laboratory

On a recent Saturday morning—with temperatures hovering just above freezing—a dozen devoted birdwatchers gathered at Bluff Lake Nature Center for their monthly bird walk. Using scopes, binoculars and long-lensed cameras, the group recorded 32 different species of birds, including 10 different species of ducks.

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