When Denver’s sunset arrives at 4:35pm on Dec. 1, sun-loving Coloradans may find themselves bemoaning the dark and cold that befalls them for 14 and a half hours a day as winter officially approaches. They might want to adopt the Scandinavian concept of hygge.
Up Close with Refuge’s More Unusual Wildlife
“Bison are an important part of plains ecology,” says Dave Lucas, manager at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge—and the public has great opportunities to visit the wildlife refuge and see these huge animals. The 15,000-acre refuge is also home to the world’s only indoor/outdoor black-footed ferret exhibit, enabling visitors to see the endangered species that now helps control the prairie dog population at the refuge.
Conversations About “Stapleton” Continue
October was the third month of community discussions about the name Stapleton. In the prior two months, the conversations were dominated by those who favored changing the name and representatives of five Stapleton organizations listened to those views. This month brought an emphasis on having a community conversation in which all voices would be heard, making a decision and moving the community forward in a positive way.
Noted Author Speaks to Children’s Hearts
Last month, Newbery award-winning children’s book author, Katherine Applegate, visited Isabella Bird Community School (Izzi B) for a writer’s workshop and an all-school assembly
Scholars Unlimited Honors Local Students
Resilience. Perseverance. Positive attitude. Kindness. Curiosity. These are traits colleges and bosses look for. Recently four students were honored by Scholars Unlimited for their academic accomplishments and for exhibiting these kinds of traits.
Mayor Says “Vote Yes” on Denver Bond Questions
Funds from measures 2A thru 2G would go toward maintaining and repairing Denver’s infrastructure before it breaks down. The best part: we can do this and keep your tax rates the same.
5280 Magazine’s Top 25 List Recognizes Three Local Restaurants
When new restaurants arrived in the Eastbridge Town Center and Stanley Marketplace, along with them came almost instant recognition in the local foodie world.
Discussion about Stapleton Name Continues
A group of neighbors working on issues relating to racial and economic justice has identified #ChangeTheNameStapleton as the current focus of their efforts.
Bike Drive Brings Transportation to Africa
Preparing for her November 2017 Bat Mitzvah, 13 year-old Leah Grossman remembered seeing a Bicycles for Humanity (BFH) flyer and thought it might be the perfect service project for her.
Letters to the Editor
Three readers sent letters about the Stapleton name change.
A Place of Their Own
Imagine a shared office concept that would address and alleviate the “pain points” career women face.
Sept. 22–24: Visit Local Artists in Their Studios
The fifth annual self-guided Stapleton Open Studios tour of artists’ studios is back, with 28 artists ready to meet visitors, show their work and demonstrate how it is made.