
Remembering Sam Gary

Remembering Sam Gary

When people talk about Sam Gary, humility looms large in the conversation. All who worked with him knew his philosophy: “Lead from the back of the conga line.” For Sam, that meant, “As long as the idea you believe in is getting done, you don’t care who gets credit,” says Mike Johnston, the CEO of Sam’s philanthropic organization, Gary Community Investments.

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Walking Through History With Papa Ray

Walking Through History With Papa Ray

Burns, who will celebrate his 100th birthday on August 5th of this year, usually moves down the sidewalk with one of the many neighbors who affectionately refer to him as “Papa Ray.”

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Impacting Communities —Where It’s Needed Most

Impacting Communities —Where It’s Needed Most

Sam Gary made a tremendous fortune in the oil and gas industry—and made a commitment to use his fortune to give back to the community. “Sam’s vision was to find the ways to make a big impact on the community—and he never really cared if he got the credit,” says Mike Johnston, a former state senator and Stapleton resident who was just recently named CEO of Gary’s charitable organizations, the Piton Foundation and Gary Community Investments (GCI).

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Do you even remember your New Year’s resolutions?

Do you even remember your New Year’s resolutions?

Park Hill resident Keith Roberts does not make New Year’s resolutions. A motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and MIT Master’s degree-holder, Roberts says, “If you have character, you don’t have to wait until January 1 to make a change.

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Roots to Ranches: Undomesticating Your Dinner

Roots to Ranches: Undomesticating Your Dinner

Executive Chef/Owner of Cattivella Elise Wiggins was only six years old the first time she went hunting with her father in the woods of Louisiana where she grew up. “If you do this, you have to understand we don’t take life to take life. If we take life, you will eat it. Are you ok with that?”

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Dolores Huerta: “Sorry you missed 1968, but we’re back!”

Dolores Huerta: “Sorry you missed 1968, but we’re back!”

For those who think nostalgically about the 1960s’ activism, Dolores Huerta says, “Sorry you missed 1968, but we’re back.” A crowd of 300 chants “Sí se puede!” (Yes you can!), the motto of the United Farm Workers (UFW), as she takes her seat at History Colorado.

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