
This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

In a sign of the times, a town hall meeting held by State Reps. James Coleman and Leslie Herod and State Sen. Angela Williams had to be relocated from the Whittier Café to a larger space at Manual High School.

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TABOR. Love it or hate it, but understand it.

TABOR. Love it or hate it, but understand it.

Colorado newcomers still learning the difference between the Front Range and the kitchen range may already have figured out that something called “TABOR” largely determines Colorado politics, tax policy and funding.

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Denver Takes A Stand on Immigrant Rights and Policies

Denver Takes A Stand on Immigrant Rights and Policies

Based on concerns expressed by individuals and organizations in Denver following President Trump’s Jan. 28 travel ban, Mayor Michael Hancock gathered the city officials and top law enforcement officers for a community information session clarifying Denver’s policies.

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NE Denver Sends New Legislators to the Capitol

NE Denver Sends New Legislators to the Capitol

The list of problems facing the Colorado Legislature has a familiar ring: school finance, roadway gridlock, and a state budget contorted and constrained by conflicting amendments to the state constitution.

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500 People Rally to Prevent Repeal of ACA

500 People Rally to Prevent Repeal of ACA

Congresswoman Diana De Gette, who organized this event, says her top priority is to make people who are covered by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aware of the impact the repeal will have.

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