Fazal Sheikh’s portraits convey more than just faces; they tell the stories of people surviving and triumphing over unimaginable hardships.
Mayor Hancock Gives State of City Speech at Hiawatha Davis Rec.
A standing-room-only crowd came to Hiawatha Davis Jr. Recreation Center in Park Hill to hear Mayor Michael Hancock’s State of the City speech on July 10.
Bennet’s Town Hall Packs Montview Church
It was standing-room-only on Friday, May 19, as hundreds of people squeezed into the pews of Montview Blvd. Presbyterian Church to attend a town hall with U.S. Senator Michael Bennet.
Outcome of the 2016-17 Legislative Session
The tentative optimism conveyed by area legislators in January regarding the upcoming session of the Colorado General Assembly appears to have been justified.
Proposed NIH Cuts “Risk Losing a Generation of Scientists”
The budget proposal put forth by the current administration seeks a 19 percent cut in funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a federal agency that is responsible for conducting medical research and funding it at centers across the country.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
In a sign of the times, a town hall meeting held by State Reps. James Coleman and Leslie Herod and State Sen. Angela Williams had to be relocated from the Whittier Café to a larger space at Manual High School.
Letter to the Editor
Colorado State Legislators: Please Support Solutions for Working Families
TABOR. Love it or hate it, but understand it.
Colorado newcomers still learning the difference between the Front Range and the kitchen range may already have figured out that something called “TABOR” largely determines Colorado politics, tax policy and funding.
Five Party Agreement Reached for Section 10 Financing
A complicated, five-party agreement has been reached that will allow full development of Stapleton’s last large parcel to proceed.
A Pastor, An Imam, and a Rabbi Walk into SpiritCon and…
With that headline, it may be tempting to look for a punchline—but the act of bringing together Christians, Muslims and Jews to find commonalities and unity is no laughing matter these days.
Denver Takes A Stand on Immigrant Rights and Policies
Based on concerns expressed by individuals and organizations in Denver following President Trump’s Jan. 28 travel ban, Mayor Michael Hancock gathered the city officials and top law enforcement officers for a community information session clarifying Denver’s policies.
100,000+ People Participate in the Women’s March
Denver, with an estimated population of 682, 500, saw at least 15 percent of that number packed into Civic Center Park for the Women’s March.