
Monumental Gun Control Package Moves Through the CO Capitol

Monumental Gun Control Package Moves Through the CO Capitol

With two recent school shootings happening less than two miles from the Capitol and with residents becoming outraged about the rising rates of gun violence, Democrats in the Colorado Legislature have introduced a monumental gun control package consisting of four bills that began progressing through the Legislature in March.

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Denver’s Successful STAR Program a Model for Rep. Crow’s Mental Health Bill

Denver’s Successful STAR Program a Model for Rep. Crow’s Mental Health Bill

United States Congressman Jason Crow is the co-sponsor of a bill that would prevent law enforcement officers from needing to respond to calls involving mental health crises. The bill, which was passed by the House, would provide local governments with grants to form mental health units, instead of police, to respond to certain 911 calls. 

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The High Court’s Controversial Rulings: A Legal View

The High Court’s Controversial Rulings: A Legal View

As the impacts of climate change are increasing, a recent Supreme Court ruling means the EPA can no longer require power plants to reduce carbon emissions. While mass shootings and gun violence are on the rise, the Bruen ruling makes it more difficult for states and municipalities to implement local gun control policies. And for the first time in U.S. history, the Supreme Court took away an existing right.

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Denver Gun Safety Laws Could Hit a Roadblock

Denver Gun Safety Laws Could Hit a Roadblock

How might the recent Supreme Court Ruling in the Bruen case, which struck down a New York gun control law and limited the ability for states or cities to prohibit firearms in public, impact Denver?

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High Court Limits EPA in Fight Against Climate Change

High Court Limits EPA in Fight Against Climate Change

“Colorado is on the front lines of our climate reality with wildfires, drought, extreme weather and all of the health and economic impacts that come with that. So, when the Supreme Court limits our tools in addressing those challenges, Coloradans are going to feel it.”

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Leaked SCOTUS Opinion Sparks  Concern about Access, Overflow Care

Leaked SCOTUS Opinion Sparks Concern about Access, Overflow Care

In early May, a mystery leaker sent shockwaves through the nation after releasing a draft of Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that ruled a woman’s right to abortion is protected by the constitution and therefore legal in all 50 states.

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