
…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This Month: 1) East Area Plan Update; 2) Community Donates Welcome Baskets for New Neighbors Who Have Been Homeless; 3) Familiar Faces—Bacon and Douthit—Jump into State House District 7 Race, and 4) You can make a difference…

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Advocates keep banging their heads on the TABOR wall

Advocates keep banging their heads on the TABOR wall

Over the last three decades governors, various legislators, education advocates, construction company executives, business leaders and civic activists have organized to ask Colorado voters to increase taxes to raise more money for the state’s cash-strapped schools, crumbling highways and other needs.

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Northeast City Council Members Talk about Growth

Northeast City Council Members Talk about Growth

Incoming City Council Member Amanda Sawyer ran on a platform that opposed Denver’s rapid growth, and is especially interested in slowing development in District 5. Councilman Chris Herndon, just re-elected to his third and final term, says Denver is handling growth “in a responsible manner.”

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Democrats Push Big Agenda Down Bumpy Legislative Road

Democrats Push Big Agenda Down Bumpy Legislative Road

Sometime in the future, when your utility bill changes, your child goes to kindergarten, you vote for president, get arrested, fill a prescription or need some weed delivered, think of the 2019 session of the Colorado General Assembly.

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