October was the third month of community discussions about the name Stapleton. In the prior two months, the conversations were dominated by those who favored changing the name and representatives of five Stapleton organizations listened to those views. This month brought an emphasis on having a community conversation in which all voices would be heard, making a decision and moving the community forward in a positive way.
Where does your Denver tax money go?
“We are all accustomed to getting a receipt when we spend money on just about everything else, so why not get a receipt when you pay your city taxes?” So says Brendan Hanlon, the city of Denver’s chief financial officer. Taxpayer Receipt, a new tool on Denver’s website, makes the city’s budget more transparent by educating residents on how and where their money is spent.
Mayor Says “Vote Yes” on Denver Bond Questions
Funds from measures 2A thru 2G would go toward maintaining and repairing Denver’s infrastructure before it breaks down. The best part: we can do this and keep your tax rates the same.
Discussion about Stapleton Name Continues
A group of neighbors working on issues relating to racial and economic justice has identified #ChangeTheNameStapleton as the current focus of their efforts.
Front Porch Election Information
Register by October 30. Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters starting October 16. Ballot drop-off boxes open November 3.
Who was Ben Stapleton?
Activists have recently inundated community meetings urging the removal of the name Stapleton from the neighborhood due to Mayor Benjamin F. Stapleton’s Klan ties during the 1920s.
Choosing A School Board Representative
Have you heard? There’s a school board election coming up next month—time to start paying attention.
Vote in 7 Categories on the Denver Bond
Total Bond $937.42 Million*
Editorial: Meet CORA — A Citizen’s Best Friend
If you want to be an informed citizen but can’t go to all the public meetings and track down all the public documents, you’ll be happy to know the Colorado legislature has taken a step that will help you.
“Choice” A complex election issue
In the upcoming school board election, voters will choose representatives to make decisions that will drive DPS policy in the future.
Editorial: Navigating in Uncharted Territory
We, like the majority of our nation, were shocked and horrified to see overt Nazi symbolism in the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia.
A Letter from Our Community Leaders
We are deeply disturbed by the escalation of hateful sentiment and shocked and horrified by the events in Charlottesville, Virginia.