
Books by Local Authors

Books by Local Authors

Roger Kahn’s “How Crested Butte Became a Tourist Town: Drugs, Sex, Sports, Arts and Social Conflict,” Zoe Argento’s “Isolation Island: A Pandemic Story,” and Kathryn Haber’s “Fear Less, Love More.”

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Reducing  Kids’ Stress  During  the  Pandemic

Reducing Kids’ Stress During the Pandemic

The challenges of parenting during the pandemic are daunting: trying to keep everyone safe and healthy, managing online schooling, curtailing children’s social activities, and keeping harmony as everyone’s patience is being tested.

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Do you even remember your New Year’s resolutions?

Do you even remember your New Year’s resolutions?

Park Hill resident Keith Roberts does not make New Year’s resolutions. A motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and MIT Master’s degree-holder, Roberts says, “If you have character, you don’t have to wait until January 1 to make a change.

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Family Stress During the Holidays?

Family Stress During the Holidays?

Holiday gatherings can be tough, even in the best of times, because we’re surrounded by images of seemingly happy, loving families that get along or, at least, seem to resolve their issues amicably. This can lead us to expect the same from our own family, even though it’s never been the case in the past.

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Nurturing Resiliency in Kids—Free at the CUBE April 17

Nurturing Resiliency in Kids—Free at the CUBE April 17

Two experts will share their insights and expertise at a free and open-to-the-public event, “Teaching our Kids and Teens Success through Resiliency.” Both Dr. Cypers and Dr. Wamboldt have specialties in adolescent and family dynamics, with an emphasis on anxiety and stress.

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Preventing Suicide: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask the Difficult Questions

Preventing Suicide: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask the Difficult Questions

As he begins a suicide prevention training on a chilly Saturday morning, James Gallanos emphasizes “If you don’t remember anything else, remember that if you feel something in your gut, or something doesn’t feel right, and you feel someone may be thinking about suicide, it’s ok to ask.

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