Public Safety

Denver Firefighter Camp: Empowering Kids

Denver Firefighter Camp: Empowering Kids

Each summer, about 75 youth put out fires, cut up a car wreck, use an ax, climb ladders, and learn valuable CPR and first aid skills in a free three-day camp put on by the Denver Fire Department.

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Station 39 Is Open

Station 39 Is Open

Station 39, a nearly 13,000-square foot, $9.4 million facility opened on May 31, 2019. It is home to one engine company with 12 fire fighters on staff.

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RTD Silences the Horns

RTD Silences the Horns

After announcing that quiet zones will start March 1 and thanking the partners in the project (including the Federal Transit Administration for granting over a billion dollars), RTD General Manager Dave Genova said, “I offer our biggest thanks to the community. We know you’ve been waiting for this day for a long, long time.”

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New Commander in NE Denver

New Commander in NE Denver

In Denver Police Department’s second recent round of musical chairs, Commander Marcus Fountain has landed in a seat at the head of District 5, which covers Stapleton, Montbello and Green Valley Ranch.

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Can you ask the gun question?

Can you ask the gun question?

In the U.S., an estimated 4.6 million children live in homes with guns that are loaded and not secured, according to Everytown for Gun Safety.

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NE Property Crimes

NE Property Crimes

District 5’s new Lieutenant, Kevin Hines, sent out a communication last month with some stunning figures about property crime in Stapleton.

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Gun Control Road Tour Stops in Denver

Gun Control Road Tour Stops in Denver

March for Our Lives stated its plan for the Road to Change Tour was to pass through NRA strongholds and communities affected by gun violence. Therefore, Denver and Aurora, Colorado were going to be part of that list for practical and tragic reasons.

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