
…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) The Suncor Shutdown; 2) Northfield HS Principal Announces Retirement; 3) Groundbreaking for Nature Play in City Park; and 4) East High Hockey Coach Wins Coach of the Year.

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CSU Spurs Growth at The National Western Complex

CSU Spurs Growth at The National Western Complex

The CSU Spur campus is located at the National Western Center and hopes to attract some of the 10,000 students who visit the National Western Stock Show every year. This year on Jan. 6, the day before the stock show begins, CSU will officially open its third and final new building named Hydro (the Greek word for “water”).

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Denver Discovery School Avoids Closure Amid Struggles

Denver Discovery School Avoids Closure Amid Struggles

In late October, DPS released a list of ten small schools recommended for closing­—and DDS was on the list. Later the list was cut in half—and DDS was still there. At the last minute, Superintendent Marrero surprised the board by recommending that just two schools be closed—and DDS was one of those. 

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Uvalde’s response didn’t go well…Is Denver Prepared?

Uvalde’s response didn’t go well…Is Denver Prepared?

The recent Uvalde shooting was a tragic reminder that we have come to expect that police now know how best to respond to a school shooter and will act based on the latest and best conclusions of law enforcement and education professionals. The delay in Uvalde that cost additional lives led us to ask spokespersons from Denver Police Department (DPD) and Denver Public Schools (DPS) about their readiness for such an event.

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…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) The Urban Farm to Host Open House/Free Admission Day; 2) Denver Zoo Celebrates Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Community; 3) Northfield HS Hosts Shark Tank-Inspired Competition, Awards $1,000 Seed Money; and 4) Combat Loneliness: Write to a Senior Citizen

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DPS Board Votes to Restrict Innovation Schools

DPS Board Votes to Restrict Innovation Schools

After listening to over a 100 community members, most of whom spoke passionately about the positive powers of innovation, the DPS Board voted to pass a controversial Executive Limitation that will provide protections to all licensed teachers while also limiting innovation practices.

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DPS Board Looks to Neuter Innovation

DPS Board Looks to Neuter Innovation

The Denver Public Schools board wants to yank much of the power to innovate from the district’s innovation schools. The board is seeking input at two community meetings this month, but it is expected to approve the move later in March.

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…NE News Updates

…NE News Updates

This month: 1) The Shops at Northfield Sold; 2) DPS Healthy Start Times to Affect Bussing; 3) Proposed Suncor Permit Sent to EPA

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Sharon Bailey: DPS’ Moral Compass

Sharon Bailey: DPS’ Moral Compass

A straightforward critic of the institutional racism she saw in the district, Bailey was also a compassionate leader who believed the system could change and was willing to help.

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